Moscode 401HR vs Pass Labs X150.5

So...for those that followed my previous thread, I am still in the hunt for the best amp under $2500 (after auditioning and returning a set of mono amps). I really have not been able to find much on the differences between these two amps sonically. I know the Pass has better resale value, but that's not my primary concern, although it is a concern for sure. The Moscode is rated at 200w into 8ohms (300 into 4ohms), the Pass at 150w (also 300w into 4 ohms I believe). I also know that Moscode improved upon the 401HR with the 402AU. Anyway, my tastes are bluesy rock, female vocalists and jazz. My system is as follows

AIFF lossless => Peachtree Nova USB DAC/Preamp => ??AMP?? => Dynaudio Contour S3.4 spkrs (4ohm load, 88db)

If anybody out there can offer comments as to how these two amps compare (or don't!) I would appreciate it. Thanks
Tvad's idea is solid, but if you are mortified of electricity like me, most power products, including the PS Audio, are available either direct or from resellers that will offer a generous return option. If the device doesn't fix your issues, just return it. You could be out shipping charges, though.
You guys are great! The electrician is coming Tuesday with a multimeter and we shall see what the story is. Regrdless, from what I have read on the PS Audio Premier Power Plant, I have no doubt that would both protect my gear AND noticeably improve the sound. But first things first. Its just a question of where my limited funds are best spent now.
Well, the electrician came by today and tested all the outlets, circuits and breakers.... Long story short, he will be replacing the breaker that controls the circuit on which my equipment is running. And I am going to run an extension cord from my power strip (into which I have all of my source compnents plugged in; TV, Comcast box, DVD player, CD player, Laptop, External Drive, Wii, and Squeezebox) into an outlet which runs on another breaker in another room.

Bottom line. My electrical is fine for an apartment building, which by its very nature has inferior voltage stability to a freestanding home). He said I may have too many things running on the same circuit. So, I will leave the amp, the Integra pre-pro and the Nova (preamp/DAC) running on the current circuit with a new breaker. And the rest will run on another circuit. This may improve things. It certainly shouldn't hurt.

I can always buy that PS Power Plant... Or buy another amp and see what that does.
UPDATE: So... after receiving my Peachtree Nova back from service two weeks ago, I am happy to report the following;

1) On the advice of Johnny Rutan and Wally from Underwoord Hifi, I attached a cheater plug on the end of the power cord of the ARC 100.2 in an effort to squash the annoying buzz/hum that has been plaguing my system since the amp's arrival. And....SUCCESS!! Dead nuts quiet. Cost: $5.99 from Radio Shack.

2) I purchased a pair of higher quality interconnects from Paul and Judy Speltz at AntiCables with the Eichmann bullet plugs (all copper), and boy what a difference. But still, my system was still hovering in the "average" zone, albeit the high end of that zone. Cost: $150

3) Finally, I purchased a French-made Phillips 6922 tube from Brent Jesse per Brent's recommendation to replace the stock tube in the Nova, and - I TRULY can't believe this -... I don't know how else to say this.... but HOLY F--KING SH-T!!! Suddenly, the bottom end and mid-bottom range opened up, deepened, sharpened - I could hear the subleties of every note coming from every bass instrument on every recording I played, The soundstage expanded to fill the room, the dynamics were explosive, the texture of strings, harmonies and voices floated through the air and resolved naturally into space. It felt at times like the entire band was playing in my room, and at other times, like just a single performer was singing or playing from like seven feet away, five feet off the ground and maybe three feet left of center. It was eerie! It was AWESOME!! Thank you Brent!!! (Of course I am neither affiliated with or related to Mr. Jesse in any way, haha!!) Total cost: $110.

I would say to every Nova or Decoo2 owner out there, (so much for pleasantries) you are an IDIOT if you don't swap out the tube in the Nova with this one! For an extra $100 it is like I now have a high end tube preamp that is allowing the rest of my system to shine through. For the time being, it appears my worries and frustrations are over. Thank the Lord - and thank ALL of you for your kind, thoughtful and helpful suggestions in my quest for audio nirvana. The Audiogon community ROCKS!!

I now surrender the podium. Happy listening to all, and to all a good night.
Fredorama, it's good to know you've made some inexpensive adjustments with big gains.

Grounding issues (hum/buzz) are a PITA. One would think that for the cost of the gear we own, manufacturers would employ grounding schemes that work interchangeably, but such is not the case. Grounding schemes among manufacturers is not consistent, and this contributes to ground loop problems.

Some of my gear has been absolutely quiet, and other gear has been noisy regardless of how many hoops I've jumped through.

I recall that I used a cheater plug on my Moscode 401HR, which knocked out all the noise.

Of course, you realize that using a cheater plug is not recommended as a long term solution. However, when there's no buzz, and you've spent hours and dollars trying to eliminate the buzz the proper way and it still persists, then the risks of using an effective cheater plug sometimes seem worthwhile.