SS amps for merlin vsm

I am using merlins with AA prestige SACD, Filarmonia amp and cardas GR
cables. would like to buy a SS int amp. ($ 5000) How is plinius 9200 with merlin vsm. anybody tried this ?

thank you
Have any of you Merlin owners ever auditioned a First Watt offering...J2...M2?

Seems like one of them would be a good match, but one never knows until one hears it.
I've used a Krell KSA 50s, Odyssey monos, TAD Hibachi monos, and a Bel Canto ICE powered integrated, at one time or another. All are good sounding amps and all worked well with my VSMs, but the TADs were probably my favorite (and they were the least expensive, too).

Don't know about Plinius.

I just got my Merlin TSM-XMr ruby reds!

I will best using them with a Manley Stingray, but also trying out a few SS amps, such as the Odyssey Stratos and even a Emotiva 3 channel.

I'll report in about a week to ten days.
