SS amps for merlin vsm

I am using merlins with AA prestige SACD, Filarmonia amp and cardas GR
cables. would like to buy a SS int amp. ($ 5000) How is plinius 9200 with merlin vsm. anybody tried this ?

thank you
I just got my Merlin TSM-XMr ruby reds!

I will best using them with a Manley Stingray, but also trying out a few SS amps, such as the Odyssey Stratos and even a Emotiva 3 channel.

I'll report in about a week to ten days.

hello there,

I have tried using the Plinius 9100 on my VSM-Ms. First the sound was very airy and at times overly detailed. The bass held up to my rel strata III in the same room! Why I didnt keep it? The sound was just to forward for my liking. I do not recomenned putting the 9200 on the VSMs. I recommend getting a SA-50 (or sa-100 - sa 102) plinius amp (known to be one of the more tube-like SS's) and then get a joule preamp to match it....match made in heaven for the SS lover...possibly

I di have the Aleph J (First Watt/Pass) and it indeed worked very well with the Merlins, about as good as the XA30.5s driving the Merlins which are such an easy load (not current hungry). I assume, the J2s would also work well, but have not heard them. In both cases, J or J2 there are very easy amps for tube preamps to drive.
As mentioned above, I've used the TAD (ss) Hibachi monos with great results.
