A phono amp that beats the MFA Magus's phono?

I've been using the phono stage on my MFA Magus for the last year and, overall, I like it pretty well, but I'm wondering if I could get more out of a dedicated phono amp. Can anyone suggest a stand-alone phono amp that would improve over the sound of the Magus's phono stage? I'm hoping to buy in the 1k-2k range, used.

The Magus is part of a small phono-only system that includes Wright Monoblocks (3.5 watts), a Rega P5 TT with a Koetsu Black cart, and Reference 3a MM DeCapo i speakers bi-wired with Kimber Kable 4TC cable. It's a small, sensitive, all-tube system that has a lot of air, tight but somewhat thin bass, and slightly etched-sounding highs. The mids sound nicely liquid to my ears. This is my second system, and it's in a small office (10x8) with wood floors and walls.

One possibility is the EAR 834P. It has volume controls, which would be nice, because then I could take the Magus out of the signal path altogether, since I only use a TT in this system. I've never heard an 834P though, and there are no high end audio stores within 90 miles of where I live, so my chances for auditioning gear are rare.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Joemarsh, you said you had your MFA upgraded by Scott Frankland in 2003. Do you know if he is still in business, or some way to contact him?

This is Scott's contact details.

Scott Frankland Assoc.
706 Charcot Avenue
San Jose, CA 95131

408-432-1500 TEL
408-432-1501 FAX

Although you need to have balanced XLRs to us it, the BMC MCCI is far and away the best phono stage. I still remember the shock that I had when I first heard this piece after the twenty or so phono stages that I have had. Nothing was even close. Read Michael Fremer's rave review.
Thanks, Triode 12 for the info. Sorry for the delay but I don't browse the forums as much as I used to.