Leben 600 with Omega Super 6 or Super 8

I am in process of picking the LEBEN-600.
Since i cant make my B&Ws run with this lovely amp with nostalgic looks, i have been looking for single drivers.

So its either the Super 6 XRS or Super 8 XRS for me.

Shall be a pleasure to hear from friends, who know the signature of both Super 6 XRS & Super 8 Alnico XRS.

I have a room size of 12x12 for now BUT will be moving the set up to a living room of dims - 30x30 approx.


1) Does the sonic signature differ for both Super 6 XRS & Super 8 XRS.

2) I am looking for a larger soundstage (as anyone else) with an enveloping sound. Need to know the ideal/optimal room sizes for both of these speakers.

3) I am presuming that LEBEN 600 shall be ideal for either.
In my many varied experieces I`ve found that the power amps can impact the character of a system as much as a speaker change. For instance substitute a SS class AB amp with a DHT type be it SET or PP, very very different!
The above discussion is of tremendous value to all. Although I agree with Tvad that choosing speakers first is best when possible, the simple fact is, the OP already has one hell of an amp in the Leben 600, and will have many excellent, conmpatible speakers, e.g., DeVore, Omega, etc., etc., to choose from.

Trehansid - Please keep us apprised your speaker quest progress. And if you do happen to hear John DeVore's Orangutan speakers with your Leben or another (preferably) tube amp, please let us know your impressions!

Enjoy the process!
Whatever works for you, Trehansid. My point was that the end result of matching speaker to amp rather than amp to speaker is not only not always the same...but is often different.

Shopping for speakers is not easy. That's something on which we can all likely agree.
Charles1dad, given a scenario where someone will ultimately select easy-load speakers and a tube amplifier to drive them, then it's quite possible the end result would be the same.

I understand your point.

The difference largely arises if someone might prefer a more difficult-to-drive loudspeaker. In this scenario, choosing an amp like the Leben CS600 (or one of many other tube amplifiers) would prove limiting, and might very well preclude the use of a speaker the shopper might have otherwise selected had the amplifier not already been purchased.
For instance substitute a SS class AB amp with a DHT type be it SET or PP, very very different!
Charles1dad (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Indeed. However this is predicated upon the speaker being of a design that will allow the use of SS Class AB, SET or PP tube amp.

What if the speaker won't accommodate a SET tube amp? Then, the owner's amplifier options become limited.

Depending on the speaker selection, the ability to use a PP, SET or SS Class AB amp may not be available. Hence the recommendation to choose a speaker first, thus allowing a greater flexibility of amplifier topology if desired.