Bryston 28B SST

For those of you who have heard the new Bryston 28B SSTs - are they as good as the reviews I have read? From reading these reviews I almost get the impression they can drive any speaker from a highly efficient horn to an inefficient planar speaker and sound great. Are they a major leap from the 14B or 7B or just a bit better?
I brought home the new 28Bsst2 , I was looking for more power , and I got it , but the aging Levenson # 431 200wpc that it would have replaced , was sonicly better in every way . When I took the 28B back the salesman admitted that several other folks that owned levenson gear had also taken the 28b home for a demo and returned it . I have owned several Bryston products and have nothing bad to say about any of them , but it just didnt work out this time . I guess ( try before you buy ) applies as usual .
The first time I ever got what the SET group was raving about was when I inserted the 28B Squared into my system. I am a tube guy through and through but when I placed these in my system nothing had come close in the past. I own Soundlab A-1's which are a bear to drive but these things can make them growl or purr like a kitty. Great amps IMHO! Good luck.
Hello Dev,

Joule-Electra Destiny (VZN-300) cost is much less then $70k - I believe its about $20k but can't be sure.

What is interesting that Joule-Electra is experiencing "Renaissance", now, and have so many orders that you will have to wait a number of months before your product will be shipped to you. MY friend placed order for their "latest and greatest" LA-450ME preamp and was told that at best it will be shipped toward end of December...
Tmsorosk, Levenson #431 200wpc, was sonicly better in every way.

Please tell us more because it's very hard for me to comprehend what you wrote, I have had a few of the Lev amps in my set-up but not the one you mentioned.

Kindly elaborate further, what your set-up consisted of etc.

Hi Dob,
yes I'm aware the Destiny (I have been told there is a 350) is much less than the $70K LIST VAC 450 mono's. If I was going to try Joule product I would want to pair it up with that pre also.
Tmsorosk, how many hours were on the ones you brought home, did you have them paired up with RM20 Torus units

I did not like the 28's right out of the box as someone others have wrote, in actual fact it was many hours prior to this happening, if you go onto the Bryston web site there is a posting there that was copied from another site where I had posted my thoughts at that time.

Did you have a tube pre paired up with them. Just interested because you are the first person that I have heard with such comments and I have received allot of emails from others and compared to allot of amps and know of others who have done the same.