Bryston 28B SST

For those of you who have heard the new Bryston 28B SSTs - are they as good as the reviews I have read? From reading these reviews I almost get the impression they can drive any speaker from a highly efficient horn to an inefficient planar speaker and sound great. Are they a major leap from the 14B or 7B or just a bit better?
Auxetophone, okay no problem but as you are aware sometimes these threads can set a specific tone especially when you address an individual as you did with me with caps on.

That being said in the end for me this is a hobby and I fully appreciate we will have our own opinions and that's okay, in relation to Mitch4t's info. or anyones elses info. provided that's okay too but as per Shannere's thread above there are always two sides to the story or more to the story.

Putting all that aside in the end I really don't care about numbers, the ultimate test is hearing for myself.

I personally don't recall the last time I read a review, there are some reveiwers whom I'm sure are good but those reviews are their comments and perspective and that's it, there are just too many variances; acoustical environment being different than mine and yours, electronics, cables, even types of music being played. I have many friends with different set-ups that I get to hear and not one is the same, no one is right or wrong and I personally appreciate each for what it is.

I have never been a fan of Bryston product in the past but these Bryston 28 Squared mono's are the real deal, are they the best? no "there is no best", will everyone like them? no. Will they work in everyones set-up with the same results? no and that's okay.

They are working fine for me and allot of others out there and gaining more and more new admires every day and at their asking price compared to others they are a deal.

I have had allot of product over the years some being good and some being an absolute nitemare, the customer service you receive from Bryston along with their 20 Year Warranty that has been a standard for them as long as I can recall says allot, others in the industry should take note.

Two thumbs up to you Bryston, keep up the good work.

Hi Shannere and Dev

Agree with you that specs don't tell the whole story.
Specs mean squat, for me it's how I get engaged or drawn into the music.
How could a 18 watt Wyetech be preferred to the 1K Brystons. I dunno, but I know what we heard and preferred.

Surely the Bryston 28 SST sq can create magic in many a system, they provide a great value for the dollar (CDN and US nearly at par) have great build quality that comes with a 20 year warranty that no other manufacturer dares to match.
Can you see me waving the Maple Leaf?

Take care and lets get back to enjoying our music,
I believe it was Chris Russell from Bryston explained that
because of regulatory agencies test a amp under home conditions,Bryston chose a power rating into 8ohms so it would not trip an average home's ciruit breaker.

I guess with the circuit breaker bypassed on th 28,
she'd put out 1800w into 4ohms continuous before clipping,
and that the breaker would trip after 15-20 seconds.

Even my tenants are moving out(termites holding hands),
because they can't hold a grip anymore as the 28s have way
to much sound pressure for them.
Hi Rugyboogie, you said "How could a 18 watt Wyetech be preferred to the 1K Brystons" "for me it's how I get engaged or drawn into the music."

That's your opinion and whom ever was with you, others like myself might disagree with you saying "it's nice in what it's doing but this or that is still missing."

Just so you know I do like Wyetech product.

With my VAC pre paired up with the Bryston's it's also very engaging and draws me into the music never mind when dynamics are called for startling me constantly even with music that I'm very familiar with, bass of all types that are absolutely marvelous as mentioned in Drummermitchell thread above.

I am very familiar with the sound of MAXX2's, six of my freinds own all with different components, all offer different sonics and over all presentations,are any of them better than the other?,no. That would be a personal preference and what's important to you, they all have their strengths and weaknesses.

My self I listen and respect each set-up for what it is and then go home to listen and I'm so happy to have which is by far my preference, no comparision as far as I'm concerned.

If there was only a amp that could offer everything it would be so easy, to date I have found there is a give and take, weaknesses and strenghts just like speakers offer and everything else.

Not to get off topic but just to add look at what another member is going through currently with his set-up, it's the joys of this never ending hobby of ours.
Posted a picture of the amps when they were in my system under Wilsons darTZeel.
Picture is listed at the end of my components list.

Proof that I "DID" do the comparison.

We all have opinions, you have yours I have mine.
Your happy with your set up, I am happy with mine.

That's all that matters.

Congrats, subject closed, adieu.