Amp Specs esp. DampFactor : Citation, Adcom, etc.

I don't know if these specs are available, above and beyond the typically published stuff, but I'm trying to make some decisions about reworking my HT (I've posted some other threads) and I'd like some specs. to help make some decisions. What I'd like to know is if there is somewhere I could find the specs for the Citation 7.1, 5.1, Adcom GFA-545s and 555s, and a few others I'll list later. Basically, I've got the Citation 7s and a 5, but I might augment this system.

I've got some specs, such as what is available in the Citation manual, but there are only a few specs there. For instance, I don't believe that Citation lists a Damping Factor for the 7.1 or 5.1 and I'd love to know this. If I can, I'd like to compile a spreadsheet that I'll share for comparison. I know that much of this may simply not be available. Do I need to compile a list of specs that I'm looking for perhaps? I'm hoping that there might be a broader specs sheet, say for dealers instead of consumers?

Thank you everyone,
Seriously, I doubt that anyone could make serious progress in an audio design without understanding how the human ear/brain system works.

Some of this research is very new. The bit that I mentioned about how the processing moves from one part of the brain to another has only been done in the last 2-3 years. Intuitively, I think a lot of designers suspected something like that, hence some systems that invoke toe-tapping and the like; but its nice now to find out that the subjective experience is real and to have objective numbers to back it up.

That, IMO, is what the objective approach **should** be. Otherwise, the bench measurement rules amounts to the Emperor's New Clothes.
"Aewhistory, you might be surprised to find out that research about the way the ear hears and how the audio system interacts with that, has really not been dealt with all that much in a way that is not classified. "

That's disappointing to hear, although perhaps not surprising (and I shouldn't have presumed). With all the progress that the sciences have made, there is so much more to do; a fact made clear by our progress. If anything, our advances have really made it apparent how much of what we thought we knew we, in fact, do not know or have incomplete, need to rethink, etc.

However, thanks for sharing that snippet about something that has been done. Although this thread has gone completely in a different direction than I'd intended, I'm really quite happy with the discussion. I just wish I had something more to add, but I have been reading along consistently.

One last question/point: is there anything one might call research dealing with the linkage of critical listening and planar/electrostatic speakers? I might be totally off-base, but I remember hearing once that more than half of Stereophile readers had some sort of planar/eletrostatic speaker even though there are FAR more box-speaker manufacturers. I have little doubt that this is not representative of music listening in general; it must be representative of audiophiles and/or critical music listeners, right? Anyway, just wondering.

As I understand it, our brain works more in time domain than frequency domain. We cannot hear above 20kHz but recent research shows that people can still tell the difference between 20kHz and 50kHz bandwidth listening to music. All spacial clues are also defined by transients.

A lot of this information is lost or changed in digital processing. On one hand it is almost impossible to recover 20kHz sinewave when whole period is defined by two points of 44.1kHz (AFAIK Nyquist criteria protects only frequency information) on the other digital filtering alters step response making ringing to appear after (as it should be)and BEFORE pulse itself. Our hearing is sensitive to the shape of the wavefront. Newest filtering schemes (non-apodizing filters) used, for example, in Meridian CDP have (Stereophile review) normal looking step response and better, more natural sound.
Kijanki, would this explain why some have argued that keeping the signal above 20kHz is still necessary even though it isn't audible in the 'traditional' sense? Or is that what you're saying and I'm just repeating it? :-)

Thanks, Aaron
Aewhistory, I had impression that keeping bandwidth well above 20kHz prevents phase shifts within 20kHz but as research suggest it might as well improve transients that our brain processes.

Technical spects have no value to me. I'm not even sure what they mean. Is low THD amp better sounding than high THD amp? Same goes for DF.