Anyone compared 6922 Sovtek & Electro-Harmonix

In Audio Research Preamps?
I tried the E-H 6922 gold pin in an ARC LS16 and didn't care for it; kind of bland. Liked the Sovtek 6922 much better.
I am presently using JJ E88C/6922's in my Audio Research preamp and find them to be very good. Of course my first choice would have been Amperex or Siemens, but I just couldn't afford to spend over $1,000 for 8 tubes.
ARC LS-7 here. Agreed. Thought it was just a burn-in issue. However, it does appear that the EH tubes are notably more polite than the Sovteks.
I stopped using the Sovtek 6922 at the same time ARC did. They are just too inconsistent. I would measure one and it would measure great, measure the next Sovtek and it measured poor. The EH's are a more consistent and don't measure weak after a few months of use.
How about differences between the two triodes in the same tube? I have problems the both Sovtek and EH in this dept. 6922s and 12au7s alike. But heck for the price I can have one in 3 tubes that are sub par and still be ahead.