Anyone compared 6922 Sovtek & Electro-Harmonix

In Audio Research Preamps?
ARC LS-7 here. Agreed. Thought it was just a burn-in issue. However, it does appear that the EH tubes are notably more polite than the Sovteks.
I stopped using the Sovtek 6922 at the same time ARC did. They are just too inconsistent. I would measure one and it would measure great, measure the next Sovtek and it measured poor. The EH's are a more consistent and don't measure weak after a few months of use.
How about differences between the two triodes in the same tube? I have problems the both Sovtek and EH in this dept. 6922s and 12au7s alike. But heck for the price I can have one in 3 tubes that are sub par and still be ahead.
Yes, that's an issue as well. As long as there not way off they should work just fine depending of course on the circuit. Honestly, there just isn't a really great 6922 on the market. If you can find inexpensive legit Amperex 7308's that's my favorite tube of all time and that was the top of the line. It went from top to bottom, 7308, 6922, 6DJ8.
The Russian Tubes 1990-2000 Blow the EH away in my Audio Research Ref I/1999 Vesion, BUT..I'm using 2 Amperex GOLDEN GLOBE/HOLLAND in the out put-stages/L/R