Pass Labs X250 - Good Match for my Apogee Stages?

Greetings all,
I was wondering if anybody has an opinion on the Pass Labs X250 amplifer paired up with my Apogee Stage speakers? The Apogees needs a 3 Ohm load to make 'em sound good. I am fairly sure that this amplifier will be able to deleiver the power, but has anybody out there heard this combination? If so, please give me your feedback.

Many thanks in advance for any and all opinions.


Just for further info, I used the Stages (on the mini grand stands, but no woofers) with an Aragon 4004 MK II, a Jadis JPL preamp, a Levinson 31 transport, and also an Aragon D2A DAC.

It was definitely one of the better systems I ever had, and I changed the Stages to Martin Logan SL3s only for a taller image, and more detail at lower volumes.

But the overall sound and particularly the midrange and "coherence" in that system was one of the best I have heard.

In further praise of the Aragon, I left mine on continuously, 24/7, for about 8 years, and it never missed a beat.

The Pass amps might very well be even better, but significantly more expensive obviously.
Mondial "who manufactured Aragon amps" used the apogee stages ( mini-grand) in their listening room, so i'm not suprised about the synergy.

They had absolutely fantastic sound in that room with 4 mono's driving that system.

Yes it will work perfectly and drive 3 ohms with no sweat. You may want a tubed preamp in front of it to warm it up a bit.
Pass is not cold sounding but not tubey sounding either.
The Apogee may sound a little thread bare with all solid state stuff.
Pass amps are some of the best out there. Many prefer the newer .5 amps (250.5) haven't heard them and don't care to.
I am running a X150 Eminent Technology speakers and a Supratek preamp and I am in heaven. These are planar speakers and NOT efficient (83bd), but I have plenty of power for my listening habits. Pass amps are very conservative on power ratings. The X150 put 250w into 8 ohms and is rated for 150. I'd say go for it!
Thank you all for your ideas with the Aragon 4004. I will research more on this amplifier. How much are these amps worth now days?

JEFFJAZZ: I am excited to hear from you. At this point I am thinking that I too can get away with the PASS X150 amp that you are using. The Eminent Technology speakers seem rather similar to the Apogee as far as a planar design any way. Are your speakers 8 ohm load?