Pass Labs X250 - Good Match for my Apogee Stages?

Greetings all,
I was wondering if anybody has an opinion on the Pass Labs X250 amplifer paired up with my Apogee Stage speakers? The Apogees needs a 3 Ohm load to make 'em sound good. I am fairly sure that this amplifier will be able to deleiver the power, but has anybody out there heard this combination? If so, please give me your feedback.

Many thanks in advance for any and all opinions.

Thank you all for your ideas with the Aragon 4004. I will research more on this amplifier. How much are these amps worth now days?

JEFFJAZZ: I am excited to hear from you. At this point I am thinking that I too can get away with the PASS X150 amp that you are using. The Eminent Technology speakers seem rather similar to the Apogee as far as a planar design any way. Are your speakers 8 ohm load?
Yes BUT I bypassed some caps in them on the mids and the impedance is more in the 4ohm range now.
This Pass amp is the best I have been through a bunch.
Can't afford the bigger Pass amps wish I could but I am happy now.

I can also vouch for the Aragon 4004MKII being a low cost solution for your Stages. I use my 4004 to drive low efficiency (89db)planars and it drives them with ease and the combo sounds very good.
I agree with Jeffjazz, though, that mating it with a tubed pre is a good idea and a very good match (I use a VTL 2.5 with NOS Mullards) and this added the depth, texture and presence I was looking for. With a ss pre it sounds leaner and more sterile but has very good resolution and bass response regardless of the pre type.
Cwlondon said he left his Aragon on 24/7 for 8 years and it never missed a beat. Mine's been running 24/7 as well for the past 5 years with the same result.
As to your question on price, these amps are no longer made (was replaced by the 8008 model in '95 I think) but it listed new for about $1800 when it was built back in the 90's. I paid about half that 5 years ago so you should be able to get a nice one used for no more than $900. probably less. Its an older amp (1994?) but its built like the proverbial tank, is very durable and sounds more expensive.

OTOH, I think a Pass amp would improve the sound of almost any system but they are high priced. Sorry, I've never tried a Pass amp so I can't say if the extra $$ is worth it. Good luck.