Shindo Cortese - First Impressions

Yesterday, I picked up my new (to me) Shindo Cortese from Matt at Pitch Perfect Audio in San Francisco. Even though the amp was a trade-in from another customer who was moving up the Shindo line, It looked perfect and like new in every way.

I've only listened to the amp for 4 to 5 hours. Too soon for a long term review, but enough for a quick first impression.

For those who might not be familiar with it, the Cortese is 10W/ch amp based on the industrial strength Siemens F2A tube and it's an SET (Single-Ended Triode) design.

On the 1-10 Alberto's Audio Deliciousness Scale, this amp is not a 10, not even an 11, it's a 12! Seriously!

I never thought a manufacturer would have the "bollocks" to create something that is so insanely delicious and so forgiving that it has to polarize anyone who listens. The Cortese does not walk a fine line between analytical and musical (to use some common audiophile terms) -- it steps over that line, takes twenty steps toward musical side, drops its trousers and moons anyone and anything on the other side.

After an hour of listening, I realized that this amp is voiced the exact way I would voice an amp if I knew how. Warm, liquid, continuous with a round and tuneful bass that belies its measly 10W per channel, a midrange to die for (but that was expected based on the SET design) and a treble that ...

... Ah, yes, the treble. At first I though "There's some trouble with the treble." For the first time in years, I found myself (me of bat-like-ears and super-sensitivity to harsh or excessive highs) thinking "I need more treble." The treble was there, smooth and extended, but a bit too "timid" -- cymbals sounded as if the drummer was holding back a little, the upper harmonics on horns and strings were also a bit muted. It sounded delicious - but too delicious and forgiving.

But I knew that there's no way this amp would have been one of Stereophile's Art Dudley's long term favorites -- or none of the other reviewers -- if the treble was this gentle and forgiving.

I knew what was "wrong": My entire system (including cables) and room treatment, had been chosen and designed to deal with harsh or excessive treble from lesser recordings. I had accepted the fact that I needed tone controls to tame a good 30% of my favorite recordings. But not with the Cortese. The treble on this puppy is so smooth that I adjusted the tweeter cross-over on Tannoys from -1.5dbs to +1.5dbs! Now the treble was just right for my tastes. It might still be a bit too gentle and rolled off for others, but keep in mind that everything in my system (including the Tannoys) is very forgiving and I have a feeling that with more neutral speakers it's going to be right for almost everyone (OK, perhaps not for people who prefer the sound signature of manufacturers like Krell.)

There's not much to add about the mid-range. It's your run of the mill, magical SET sound. Perfection to my ears.

The bass was the most pleasant, although somewhat anticipated, suprise. The Cortese has the most tuneful and extended bass I've ever had in my system. I had some thoughts of getting a larger pair of Tannoys and I kept taking the subwoofers on and off my system. With the bass from the Cortese any desire for larger Tannoys has evaporated, subs will probably go to the garage next week - who needs them. I might even move the speakers further away from the wall since I moved them closer to get more bass with the Montille. The depth and "chest impact" of the bass is one thing, the other is the tuneful aspect of it. Every bass note is distinct - the opposite of one-note-bass.

Soundstage: wider but also about 2' taller. I love a high soundstage. Even though the speaker drivers are less than 3' off the ground, the sound stage is easily at 6-7'. This means I can sit on my chair and look "up" to the music as if I was in a concert. I love it!

That's it for a first pass. In the days and weeks to come, I will play around with different cables since now I no longer have to worry about having cables that are too resolving.

If I sound ecstatic and overjoyed, it's because I am. I knew that this amp was a step in the right direction for me. I knew it would be more delicious than any other amp that has graced my system, but I was not prepared for an amp that said:

"Here Alberto - Mr. Delicious - try ME out, I am just for you. You can now play ALL your records and forget about tone controls and loudness and subwoofer and bigger speakers. I AM your tone controls. I AM your loudness. Pack your subwoofers, forget bigger speakers for your little room. I have it all. Just for you my friend. Enjoy me ... and spread the word to other delicious sound hounds."

OK, enough writing. I am going to forget that today is a spectacular sunny day in the SF Bay Area and go do more listening. The pull of the Cortese is stronger than the pull of the mighty sun!

Alberto (Delicious Sound Hound)
"There are better amps out there .... I ended up with Serious Stereo 2a3 monoblocks which outperform ..."

Doubtful, but, SERIOUSLY? Who cares? That is not what this thread is about.

We are not talking about cars here, are we?

Charles1dad said it well.
Interesting how this thread has (d)evolved. Based on some of the replies you might have guessed that my original post said something to the effect of: "I am currently using a Shindo Cortese and I am soliciting suggestions for another amp." Instead of "I've got a Cortese and I'mmma loving' it beyond words!" :-).

Anyhoo ...

It has been about a week since I wrote the original post and, if anything, my initial impressions of the Cortese have been solidified.

Its most endearing trait for me is its ability to make lesser recordings shine and sound delicious. I've gone back to CDs and LPs with music I really liked but that I had all but eliminated from rotation because I did not like the way they sounded (E.g. thin or harsh.)

I also continue to be amazed by the quantity - and QUALITY - of the bass.

Finally, I am blown away by the size (width, height and depth) of the soundstage. It's spectacular. Combined with the Tannoy Sandringhams (gotta give them and the coaxial speaker some credit) and the right recording, the walls and ceiling of the room disappear and I am bathed in delicious music.

My listening sessions are longer. Ending a session to sleep, eat, work, be social, etc., is difficult. What more could I ask from an audio system. If anything, it's possibly TOO addictive and TOO delicious and it's having an impact on other aspects of my life :-).

I don't mind people throwing in their $0.02 on what *they* think would be even better for *me*, *my* system and *my* ears. It's a forum after all; it's kind of entertaining to read, and it's nice to know so many people are so concerned about me having only the best in my system :-).

Fact is, after many years and many $s invested in this hobby of ours, I have developed a VERY solid understanding of what *I* like and what matters most to me in an audio system. I could spend a lifetime and all my money constantly searching for something better - which may or may not exist - or find something I really, REALLY, like, that gives me every ounce of sonic pleasure I could want and spend my time listening to music. Crazy guy that I am, I chose the latter. To quote Genesis (the progressive rock band, not the biblical one): "I know what I like, and I like what I know."

Speaking of Genesis, time to go listen to "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway" - I need a refresher on those "errogenous zones" :-).


In one aspect, I TOTALLY agree with Charles1dad.

But for consumers of the thread in making purchasing decisions, the review/enthusiasm has to be consumed in the proper context. Reviewers experience, base line ... at the end it's relative.

Hello Alberto,

Thanks for answering my question. I apologize for my participation in the hijacking of your tread with my question. I thought it was harmless and relevant, it seems you did as well judging by your polite response, thank you.


I would never try and convince someone who is happy with their sound, that they should not be. I am glad you are happy.


Thanks for your thoughts. I must admit I find it funny in your attempt to admonish my transparency, you failed to make it clear you are the Shindo importer.


Yes, I am a dealer, I believe I have been very transparent about this. You on the other hand are not as transparent being so new to the forums. Interestingly, you have responded to ONLY 7 threads on Audiogon, with 4 related to Shindo you seem to have a strong interest related to a narrow group of products in these vast Audiogon forums.

Khral, I have shared my opinions on these forums for almost 10 years, over that span of time I have owned, experienced, and auditioned a lot of equipment, more than most people I suspect. This has provided a solid base of knowledge which I enjoy sharing for the social and learning aspects of these forums. I plan to continue to offer my opinions and ask what I feel are relevant questions when I believe that the answer(s) has value to forum readers.
As for your assertion that I am a troll, I don’t believe my question to Albertro, made me a troll. IMO my question was on topic. Did you find my question offensive or off topic? It is not like I chimed in and stated, he should have bought amp X than he will really be happier.

In closing Khral, it is your posts directed at me that slightly hijacked this tread, not my initial question. Alberto and I were able to communicate in a friendly manner that stayed on point.

Again, Alberto sorry for my participation in the hijack.

Kind Regards,
Dealer Disclaimer/Almost Live Audio
Mr. Anselm:
I happily admit I am a recent Shindo owner but very new to this internet thing and audiogone. Yes I am very into a narrow group of products. I have been in the audio hobby since 1955 when you had to build your own audio. I owned many of the classics including full marantz. I actually picked up my original equipment from Long Island City New York. I believe in buying the best and enjoying it for many decades.