Best Bang 4 the $ Intergrated Amp

Hi Folks,
Looking to help my brotherinlaw. He recently bought a used pair of Silverline Preludes. He heard mine with my Pass X 250 which promted him to buy the Preludes.

His budget unfortuneitly is not in Pass realm.

What bang for the buck intergrated would you recommend to make the preludes sing. Must have good bottom end as well.

I havn't been in the audio loop for awile, so I would really appreciate your input.
Wolf, tell me about your system, what does it comprise of. AMP, SOURCE WIRES ETC

You are so right, the preludes are some little bad boys for sure. With two 3 1/2' drivers per side, when I first heard them, I asked where's the sub woofer. To my surprise there wasn't any. They were being powered with a Pass X250.5 which is also part of my present system.

I do have Martin Logan Decent I sub in my Surround system, but honestly the way I have my system tweaked I see no need to add a sub, and beleive me, I like my bass. When somone is over and hears my system for the first time, the first thing they ask is what sub are you using, when they discover there is no sub, there jaw drops. They say that cant be, they only have 3 1/2 drivers...

The real credit goes to Allan who designed them, he's the owner of Siverline, and a really great guy. A true audiophile. He loves his music.

I've had the Pass x150.5 and the 350.5 on the Preludes, but its the 250.5 that really brings them to life. I also use a Pass 2 chassis pre and a modified Resolution Audio Dac with a old Sony 707 as transport which really helps bribg the bottom end out, tried many transports but thats the winner with this system,. I run all balanced Tara lab interconnects and speaker wire. Home made power cords made from Tara lab speaker wire for all componets and a old woodenbox bybee power conditioner, that in my opinion transforms a great system in to a outstanding system, its that good.
Would just like to take this opportunity to thank all for there suggestions, they have been already passed on to by brotherinlaw to absorb.

If there is any late straggerlers who read this thread, please chime in with your suggestions as well.

Peace !!1
Audiolab has a nice clean pretty neutral SS sound; it is not sterile and cold nor is it particulary warm. It is sensitive to power cords and other tweaks; also it doesn't like voltage fluctuations, the power supply is not sophisticated enough, so I use Furman 1215 voltage regulator/conditioner that makes things better though doesn't cure everything at all. Excellent sounstage depth and acceptable width with the right cables.
The rest of my system: Notingham Spacedeck/Spacearm with soon to be replaced Dynavector 10X5 cartridge, AcousTech PH-1 phono stage ( with Top Gun power cord ), CEC TL5100Z belt drive CD player, Nakamichi 682ZX cassette deck and Michael Green Design Revolution 80i free resonance speakers. The speakers are warm and somewhat loose and require firm amp control. Under the speakers are Polycrystal spikes and under them are Boston Audio tuneblocks for speakers. Hardwood floor, no carpet.
I listen to a wide variety of music but no classical, country, rap etc.
I would say that this system is better for acoustic music in a medium size room, but not bad for electronic either.
Overall, quite good but I will replace the Audiolab with something like Rowland or Gryphon in the future.
I think version 2 of the Preludes (most Prelude owners including myself have this version) have closer to 3.75" ego seems to need that extra inch (total). Alan yun is cool...I talked to him on the phone when I bought my Preludes as one woofer wasn't working (easy fix so no big deal..wasn't hooked up to the crossover)...he is great, and suggested NOT biwiring them as he thought they sounded more "coherent" (his words) as single wired (I tried both ways and found out he was correct!).