Best Bang 4 the $ Intergrated Amp

Hi Folks,
Looking to help my brotherinlaw. He recently bought a used pair of Silverline Preludes. He heard mine with my Pass X 250 which promted him to buy the Preludes.

His budget unfortuneitly is not in Pass realm.

What bang for the buck intergrated would you recommend to make the preludes sing. Must have good bottom end as well.

I havn't been in the audio loop for awile, so I would really appreciate your input.
My bang for the buck nominations are the Redgum RGi120 for solid state and the Decware Torii mk3 for tube. Neither generate a lot of discussion, but both are phenomenal performing well about their respective price points.
I bought an RGi120 AND an RGi35 used within the last 2 months. Takes a little luck, but its not impossible.

Be careful with the one that lists on craigslist in Dallas, TX. Its a scammer!
Audiolab is bullet proof. We moved twice and none of the tube gear survived, it had to be retubed, while the 8000-C Audiolab is in use at this moment. Although it's a pre, it looks identical to the intergrated amp with MM and MC phono sections.
I have 3 integrateds in mind after some 20 years + in this crazy hobby. we are talking bang for the $, so please keep this in mind.

My no.1 in the solid state camp:

Yamaha AS2000.

This one has it all. Full featured with a really nice phono-stage, usable tone-controls (they really work in a positive way), great headphone circuit, lots of power on tap (sounds much more powerfull than it's rating), killer sound, build and looks. This Yamaha has nothing to do with the Yams of past, except the great vintage looks. I owned many contenders in the ''value'' category, including Naim Nait 5i italic, Simaudio Moon I-5, Elctrocompaniet EC-3, Musical Fidelity A5 and more. All had their merits, but the Yammy is just so well rounded musically, and is comparable to units costing much more. I have this integrated driving a pair of 10K speakers with no regrets - no joking. Just for your info, the 2000 is the one to get NOT the 1000 which does NOT sound as refined.

My no.1 in the tubes/valves camp.

Cayin A 88T. Much written about this no-brainer. I have owned a total of 3 Cayin amps - this brand redefines the word ''value'' in my book. Beautifully built, beautifull to look at, and GREAT sound. And, unlike many pretenders, very reliable. This is not the sound of your old Conrad Johson integrated, and the sound does not submerge in syrup (some call this sound ''romantic'' sounding, for lack of precision). The Cayin is smooth enough, but at the same time quite clear-sounding and precise. Incredible value.

Good alternate choice:

Anthem 225i - If you are a bit strapped for cash, this is an unbelievable bargain. 225 watts to boot, phono stage, tone controls, legendary Anthem/Sonic Frontiers build quality, like the Yammy but less refined. More forward presentation, but still, a great amplifier.

There you go, everything HIGHLY subjective of course!