Best Bang 4 the $ Intergrated Amp

Hi Folks,
Looking to help my brotherinlaw. He recently bought a used pair of Silverline Preludes. He heard mine with my Pass X 250 which promted him to buy the Preludes.

His budget unfortuneitly is not in Pass realm.

What bang for the buck intergrated would you recommend to make the preludes sing. Must have good bottom end as well.

I havn't been in the audio loop for awile, so I would really appreciate your input.
I think version 2 of the Preludes (most Prelude owners including myself have this version) have closer to 3.75" ego seems to need that extra inch (total). Alan yun is cool...I talked to him on the phone when I bought my Preludes as one woofer wasn't working (easy fix so no big deal..wasn't hooked up to the crossover)...he is great, and suggested NOT biwiring them as he thought they sounded more "coherent" (his words) as single wired (I tried both ways and found out he was correct!).
My brotherinlaw and I also have version II. Yes if you use the bottom binding posts , thats all you need. I use wire from speaker wire as a jumper to the top posts..
My bang for the buck nominations are the Redgum RGi120 for solid state and the Decware Torii mk3 for tube. Neither generate a lot of discussion, but both are phenomenal performing well about their respective price points.
I bought an RGi120 AND an RGi35 used within the last 2 months. Takes a little luck, but its not impossible.

Be careful with the one that lists on craigslist in Dallas, TX. Its a scammer!