A bit overwhelmed, need preamp advice

Hello! New Guy here...

I think the pre-amp must be the most challenging component to buy. It's like the master controller and brains of the whole system and I am having a hard time with narrowing my choices down and was looking for some advice.

When I setup my home theater system it was a much easier decision and I ended up with a Proceed AVP-S. Well, I've been selling all my HT gear and want to move back to a simple but very musical two channel setup.

Speakers are Snell B-Minors, my amp is a Bryston 4B-SST, and the front end is a California Audio Labs CL-25 but I am getting rid of the Proceed and the Cal Audio and moving to a RAID1 music server setup that I've built and ripped my 2000 CD's to Flac with exact audio copy.

I need to find a replacement for the Proceed and the only thing that will be connected to the pre-amp is a Musical Fidelity M1DAC.

The Proceed is a little on the dry analytic side, and I was looking for something that would add a bit of warmth, focus and 3 dimensionality and better depth and soundstaging. But not too much warmth and bloom!

One of the challenges is that whatever I get, the bass has to be pretty controlled which is why I got the Bryston. The Snell's have a 12" woofer and the Bryston is able to really take control of it.

My budget is about $1500 usd and I'm looking for some suggestions.

I was thinking of the Rogue Metis Preamplifier with the Magnum upgrades for $1,495.

Or the Placette Passive linestage with the remote for $1595.00

I was hoping I could get some thoughts from folks that have had these and let me know what you thought. The other thing is what are the downsides to a passive linestage? I've heard you give up dynamics for transparency and I'm not sure I can live with that.

I listen to literally all kinds of music so a good soundstage, accuracy, musicality, and dynamic range is important. Sorry for rambling but please chime in if you have any thoughts.


The Metis is a nice preamp and should be able to accomplish what you are looking for. Similar to the Cronus integrated, I think the Metis really plays well above it's price range.

Are you open to used or are you strictly looking for new items?

******Dealer Disclaimer--- I sell Rogue Products**********
You've got the right idea. I have B-Minors that I used to run with a VTL 2.5 and a Levinson 27. The combo of tube pre and solid state amp worked very nicely with the Snells. The Rogue is certainly a worthwhile choice. I'd pass on the Placette.
I do not want to push a brand of preamp. I think you should listen to as many preamps as possible. It is very difficult unless you have friends that have good equipmenta a pre-amp for you to boarrow. I was very fortunate that I was able to to try many preamps before I settled. I even bought several here on audiogon that I had to sell after I deemed them not what I was looking for. I would probably for starters try some of the Bryston Preamps as they will match your power-amp. My pre-amp and power amp are made by the same company that works very well in system.