A bit overwhelmed, need preamp advice

Hello! New Guy here...

I think the pre-amp must be the most challenging component to buy. It's like the master controller and brains of the whole system and I am having a hard time with narrowing my choices down and was looking for some advice.

When I setup my home theater system it was a much easier decision and I ended up with a Proceed AVP-S. Well, I've been selling all my HT gear and want to move back to a simple but very musical two channel setup.

Speakers are Snell B-Minors, my amp is a Bryston 4B-SST, and the front end is a California Audio Labs CL-25 but I am getting rid of the Proceed and the Cal Audio and moving to a RAID1 music server setup that I've built and ripped my 2000 CD's to Flac with exact audio copy.

I need to find a replacement for the Proceed and the only thing that will be connected to the pre-amp is a Musical Fidelity M1DAC.

The Proceed is a little on the dry analytic side, and I was looking for something that would add a bit of warmth, focus and 3 dimensionality and better depth and soundstaging. But not too much warmth and bloom!

One of the challenges is that whatever I get, the bass has to be pretty controlled which is why I got the Bryston. The Snell's have a 12" woofer and the Bryston is able to really take control of it.

My budget is about $1500 usd and I'm looking for some suggestions.

I was thinking of the Rogue Metis Preamplifier with the Magnum upgrades for $1,495.

Or the Placette Passive linestage with the remote for $1595.00

I was hoping I could get some thoughts from folks that have had these and let me know what you thought. The other thing is what are the downsides to a passive linestage? I've heard you give up dynamics for transparency and I'm not sure I can live with that.

I listen to literally all kinds of music so a good soundstage, accuracy, musicality, and dynamic range is important. Sorry for rambling but please chime in if you have any thoughts.


The Metis is a nice preamp and should be able to accomplish what you are looking for. Similar to the Cronus integrated, I think the Metis really plays well above it's price range.

Are you open to used or are you strictly looking for new items?

******Dealer Disclaimer--- I sell Rogue Products**********
You've got the right idea. I have B-Minors that I used to run with a VTL 2.5 and a Levinson 27. The combo of tube pre and solid state amp worked very nicely with the Snells. The Rogue is certainly a worthwhile choice. I'd pass on the Placette.
I do not want to push a brand of preamp. I think you should listen to as many preamps as possible. It is very difficult unless you have friends that have good equipmenta a pre-amp for you to boarrow. I was very fortunate that I was able to to try many preamps before I settled. I even bought several here on audiogon that I had to sell after I deemed them not what I was looking for. I would probably for starters try some of the Bryston Preamps as they will match your power-amp. My pre-amp and power amp are made by the same company that works very well in system.
Hi David,
I don't want to totally discourage a preamp, but with 1 source, I really recommend you run your computer to the DAC and straight to the amp. I don't know what server program you are using, but Foobar 2000 has a digital volume built in and I bet the others do too. If you want to find out just how capable your amp is, there is no better way or if you want to find out how transparent a preamp is when added in, this will tell you very quickly. Experimenting is free and this just might be very rewarding...
In your price range I`ve read many rave comments on the Doge8 tube preamp.