Modern Linestages

This is a general question about how complex and expensive some linestages have become. I'm looking to understand why? I can grasp that really good volume controls are complicated and that equally good switches are not inexpensive. I also have a general understanding of the importance of a high quality power supply, which again is not going to come cheap. I just don't comprehend how you get to a 50lbs. plus preamps that cost well over $20k. Is this level of complexity really needed or is it the equivalent of the spate of 500hp "sedans" for every day driving?
Dammed if I know. Seems as if the cost of some of the finer vintage pre-amps w/phono stages when adjusted for inflation etc, cost no more than current line stages, albeit the newer lines stages may sound more detailed, etc.

Lets face it, cost correlates more with 'expected' value than anything else. And, FWIW bling has never come cheap either.
I agree. Are some manufacturers "gilding the lilly" just not to fall behind in sophistication perception?
I bet that overall circuit components would not exceed $1000 even on these preamps. It's obvious that from circuit components net worth of $1000 you can have world class performance. Such great preamps as Pass or Bryston don't even reach this level so here's my humble opinion.