Inexpensive integrated tube amp recommendations?

I am specifically looking for an integrated that puts out a minimum of 30 watts and has all point-to-point wiring... preferrably under $800. Any ideas?
How about an SP3 Onix. I sure like mine and I saw one for 450 or so just the other day here on Agon. That would leave room for tube rolling.
Second vote for the SP-3. It was my first foray into tubes and is a excellent performer. It listed for about $1200.00 and can be had used for under $500.00. The stock tubes aren't bad, but it can be improved with NOS tubes.

It has some drawbacks. No remote and only two inputs. If you can live with that, you won't be disappointed.
Audio Space AS-3i might go for around your figure used.

Point-to-point, three inputs, the output power you want plus the ability to switch to triode mode from the front panel.
The Jolida JD-707A is a very musical 40wpc integrated, but it's around $1200 I think. If you can find one here on Audiogon, it would be worth considering. Other amps in the line that you might consider are the 102B (25wpc) for $650 or the 202A (60wpc) for $850.