Inexpensive integrated tube amp recommendations?

I am specifically looking for an integrated that puts out a minimum of 30 watts and has all point-to-point wiring... preferrably under $800. Any ideas?
Audio Space AS-3i might go for around your figure used.

Point-to-point, three inputs, the output power you want plus the ability to switch to triode mode from the front panel.
The Jolida JD-707A is a very musical 40wpc integrated, but it's around $1200 I think. If you can find one here on Audiogon, it would be worth considering. Other amps in the line that you might consider are the 102B (25wpc) for $650 or the 202A (60wpc) for $850.
Not sure what inexpensive means, but it seem Cayin and Prima Luna are on the must audition list for high value tube integrateds. I'm not sure, but I suspect they are both a step up from Jolida.