Dude's 6SN7 replacements with Chinese CV-181/6SN7

After about 3 months of breaking in the Dude, I think it's time to do some 6SN7 tubes rolling. I know this topic has been discussed before but I missed the thread.

Instead of the NOS 6SN7 tubes, I am thinking of trying the Shuguang CV-181Z or the Sophia 6SN7. Both are very similar prices at about $200/pair.

Have anybody tried any of them before with your Dude preamp?

Any opinions or suggestions are welcome.
Sorry for the delay folks, I've had my system in slight dis-array and didn't have the time to swap out the power cords as I had mentioned, but finally got to it today.
The best way to differentiate these 2 cables (CRL copper and TWL "7G") is the way most of us generalize the classic differences between solid state and tube amplifiers.
Please note my statements are based on "traditional" descriptions and do not mean to sound old-fashioned...I know advances have been made in both areas of amplifier development such that modern versions of both ss and tube are becoming more and more alike as they both seek the most musical/natural results their technologies can muster...that is: tube amps are becoming "faster", more extended, perhaps somewhat more "precise and articulate"...
while ss seeks to add more "lifelike tangibility, expansive 'density' to the sound-stage as well as 'natural/believable character'...(I know I'm opening myself up for using all these terms, because we all know there are as many exceptions to these sweeping stereotypes as there are manufacturers, but I'm making some points here...).
Enter the 2 cables. I have described the TWL on other posts and am personally convinced they are absolutely one of the best contributors I have ever found in my quest toward a natural, lifelike reproduction of the musical event in my listening room.
This latest cable swap only adds further to my assertions.
But first, the CRL. I like this cable too. And it absolutely has its place in a musical system. In fact, there are no shoes that fit all and where the TWL's don't quite integrate in your particular system, the CRL's will very possibly be an excellent match.
I'll simplify with the same generalities as before: the CRL cable will endow your system with the best attributes a ss amp will do. It is remarkably fast, extended, dynamic and articulate. It will effortlessly extend to both ends of the
frequency extremes and do so without fanfare save for the especially noteworthy grip and control it conveys in the bass. There is 3d space and dimensionality in "absolute" terms...and localization of instruments and performers is very good. If you already own tube equipment...especially a tube-based amp that already possess the generalized tube qualities outlined earlier, this cable may very well add that feeling of 'control and firm-handedness' that ss does so well...
I am fortunate that for the time being I have a few amps I am juggling at once...each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Putting this cable on either my Cary SA-280 V12R or my Dude [while using the Cary] results in just what the doctor ordered with this especially warm, rich but ever so involving [and 'pleasing'] sounding amp. It (the CRL) helps the Cary 'mind its manners'. It won't become TOO warm, rich, etc because that's already there and any more is too much. The bass has a nice firm grip, the top extension 'doesn't seem'to roll off and manages to stay clean and 'crisp enough', and the glorious mids remain glorious mids without getting overdone.It's an ideal match and in my experience a true synergy.
Do you have older style/classic sounding tube amps you'd like to tighten up a bit? try the CRL cables...you'll probably be surprised how much better control and definition your amp has in 'her'...not to mention the apparent increase in speed, definition and extension...
What about the Dude? keep reading.
Now those "other" cables...
The TWL cables mimic the best attributes of your favorite tube amp. And I mean a well-balance modern tube amp...not some traditional slow, syrup sounding rolled off...(though hopefully WITH seductive mid-range).
The TWL's are simply NATURAL. They present an organic, real, personal sense of "there"... The space between instruments has a tangible 'real-ness' to it that's a little hard to describe. I would almost liken it to an aroma in the air that adds believability to space and distances...sort of like catching a whiff of dinner from the other room and then walking towards the kitchen...you get a sense of "density in the empty air" in between the performers and the music coming from them (huh?? yes). These cables do much, and I do mean MUCH of what the CRL's can do but they do it with the most unassuming, un-"attention grabbing" way that you automatically stop analyzing facets of your system and just simply get lost in the beauty of the music.
Everything simply becomes part of an organic whole that is the performer(s) playing for you. You will "get lost", "be immersed", "lose track of time", you name it, it's what you have your system for (OK, it's what I have MY system for...).
Put it on your favorite ss amp and you'll never have to suppress the curiosity of whether those glass bottles could possibly be worth "changing over to" in your room. You will now have all of what you've known PLUS an absolute feeling of being more inside the musician's space. Being there with the performance.
On a modern tube amp you will also find it a true breath of fresh air.
But what about the Dude?
It works the same way. I've been running some hand picked early 1960's vintage NOS RCA 6sN7's in my Dude from Andy's VTS and they sound great. They sound really good with the CRL cable too but I had just the slightest itch about maybe swapping in another pair of another 6sn7???? a little warmer perhaps??? (I have a pair of them per channel, as discussed elsewhere and thought of swapping one per side) but with the TWL I am all done as is. perfect.
As for the Chinese tubes, maybe the power cable should come first before you start swapping tubes? Just a thought.
I can go on but I think I've made my point. The TWL's are 'all that' to me.

Always a pleasure. BTW to clarify, I had mentioned that I started with the TWL "8G" but also inserted a "7G" (which is the latest/biggest version Pete is offering)...both are certainly more than needed,as his "10G" would be plenty...(I just can't resist going for the bigger ones...especially considering the nominal price differences). Performance results [above] are essentially comparable.
Have people experimented with the 6SN7 for the gain, OD3 or 6080? Do these tubes make much difference in the sound quality and is their synergy with the 6SN7 for the left and right channels? Thanks in advance for any responses.