Dude's 6SN7 replacements with Chinese CV-181/6SN7

After about 3 months of breaking in the Dude, I think it's time to do some 6SN7 tubes rolling. I know this topic has been discussed before but I missed the thread.

Instead of the NOS 6SN7 tubes, I am thinking of trying the Shuguang CV-181Z or the Sophia 6SN7. Both are very similar prices at about $200/pair.

Have anybody tried any of them before with your Dude preamp?

Any opinions or suggestions are welcome.
Sure would like to see if the dude bests mt Coincident Statement

Perhaps it would be a draw? Perhaps both are as good as it gets and it will come down to preferences? I do know the CAST cap upgrade mentioned above made my Dude all it could be.

I am in Southerm, MN if we wanted to compare.....
My rca tubes are a mix of the 40's and 50's. 6sn7's from the 50's? I am
pretty sure the 6080 and 0d3 is from the 40's.