Dude's 6SN7 replacements with Chinese CV-181/6SN7

After about 3 months of breaking in the Dude, I think it's time to do some 6SN7 tubes rolling. I know this topic has been discussed before but I missed the thread.

Instead of the NOS 6SN7 tubes, I am thinking of trying the Shuguang CV-181Z or the Sophia 6SN7. Both are very similar prices at about $200/pair.

Have anybody tried any of them before with your Dude preamp?

Any opinions or suggestions are welcome.

Perhaps it would be a draw? Perhaps both are as good as it gets and it will come down to preferences? I do know the CAST cap upgrade mentioned above made my Dude all it could be.

I am in Southerm, MN if we wanted to compare.....
My rca tubes are a mix of the 40's and 50's. 6sn7's from the 50's? I am
pretty sure the 6080 and 0d3 is from the 40's.
09-02-12: Abruce
Sure would like to see if the dude bests mt Coincident Statement
Abruce (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Showdown would be interesting since Coincident uses transformer coupling with no caps in signal path so will probably sound different.