NAD 3020 What to do with it ???

Hi Folks, I have just joined and this is my first time here. I have an NAD 3020 I bought in 1980 (I think) and has been in constant use since then. No longer need it as I have gone a bit nuts buying new equiptment this past year. It has some dirt in the volume pod (crackles a bit) and some other switching but works good still as far as I can tell. What should I do with it?? It must need new caps or some type of refurbishing at 30 years + and I only paid $200.00 for it. Is it worth it to spend any money on it or should I just pitch it, seem a shame as it still works fine. Thank you any and all that respond to this. It is appreciated!! Cheers, DMacG in Canada
As long as it's still working, sell it here or on a local site for a small amount, or give it away to someone who will appreciate it.
Donate it to a local Goodwill.
Plenty of folks with little money like music.
It will be snatched up by some poor audiophile in a short time. They will be happy with it.
I helped a friend with a second hand store stereo back aways..
A marantz 2270 for $30, some nice JBL speakers for $20, a ?NAD CD player for $6 a Dual TT for $5

Still in use.
Hold on to it! After you've been in this crazy hobbie awhile, you'll come full circle and use it as your main amp! I honestly can't say I regret selling my first int. amp (Kenwood Ka-7100) because it lend me on a long journey and satisfying learning experience. Life moves on....If you could pass it on to a music lover that would be great!
The 3020 is a great little performer. I too have one from the early 80's. After serving me for many years, it sat in the basement for a couple of year, and then found a home back in college with my son's friend. Nice to know one of us is still enjoying their youth. I am picking it up this week, and it is moving in with my dad as I assemble a system for him from some stored gear I have in the basement. Pay it forward my friend!
keep it, it is worth more than you could sell it for...

mine recently broke otherwise I would still be using it in a second system

my dad's still sounds great

also, tuner cleaner will help the volume control, spray it on the inside mechanism while twisting the dial and wipe the excess off (unplugged of course)