Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.
Well, at least with all this new man made input into global warming I may no longer need to head south to escape the cold weather when I retire.....
French Canadians making amps for South Koreans..
What a strange brave new world.
I'll stick to American and European. I heard though that Rowland sells most of his stuff in Asia too but hopefully he doesn't tune his amps to Korean, Chinese, Malai etc. ear. Any fans of Korean music here?
Hi Kijanski,

I know about the drill rights and the distribution in a free market. I'm more concerned about the workforce used to carry on the exploitation. Are they going to bypass the local workers, depriving high paying jobs to people in the vicinity ?

When the chinese bought the oil field in Alberta, it was alledged they have considerable oil potential on their own land and wanted to learn more advanced technology here. Oh yeah !??.....Then why can't we gather a 20 000 north american workforce to go drilling on their own land for them instead ? And how do you think the chinese would react to that ? And it would be closer for our boys to get Classe amps over there !(had to plug that one in order to stay on topic).

Who benefits from the decline of the American middle class? Someone must, or it would not be happening? No? Or is that too simple? Are American oligarchs really being outsmarted by the Chineese oligarchs? I don't believe it. But I've been wrong before.

P.S. Do you ever get the Charlie Brown "blah, blah, blah..." feeling when you hear market analysts on TV? I feel that some years from now, when we are much smarter there will be movies with these guys in a clip and the audience will laugh hysterically.
Only about 30% (4 Trillion) of our debt is foreign - rest we owe to companies and individuals that are in the Federal Reserve program. People and Companies that lend this monies (with gov. guaranteed interest) want, like any lender to increase size of the loan (debt). This is done by lowering government income so that we have to borrow more. The only government income are taxes. Now it becomes obvious why some want to lower taxes as much as possible.

I might be wrong on this but when stock market was over-speculated and bubble burst in 30s government placed tight regulations and we had no problems for 50 years until Reagan started deregulating financial sector in 80s. Same Reagan left us with 3.7 Trillion debt. Housing crisis started not because people suddenly got less responsible but because banks started giving questionable loans knowing they can sell them to other banks (lack of regulations). Classe! (on the subject)