McCormack DNA500 for Revel Salon 2? vs Lev/Mac?

I am close to pulling trigger on either used Levinson 532H or McIntosh mc452 for my Revel Salon 2's (would appreciate opinions on these too).

However, in recent explorations, I've come across rave reviews for the DNA500 as well as the Cary 500MB. How do these compare, and would they be good options? The DNA500 is especially interesting based on it's reported sound qualities, power, and comparative $/performance value.

I'd like more bass impact/depth, and more musicality and warmth. I dont care about ultra-accuracy or ultra detail (as long as it's still good) or soundstage depth. I also prefer a more front row close-up perspective than a mid-hall 30 rows back sound.

The JC1' are absolutely NOT lean!

I don't have time to go into all the details now, but am happy to discuss this further via email or over the phone.

Please send me an email if you're interested.

Jeff - the DNA 500 is a terrific amplifier that will drive the Revels with ease and authority. It will give you detail (resolution) as well as great bass weight - BUT... the reason why the DNA got some (minor) bad raps is that it has a low input impedance of 10k ohms. If your preamp has a low output impedance ( below 500 ohms would be good), then all is fine and the DNA 500 will be great in your system. If the output of your preamp is higher than that, however, you might want to look elsewhere.
I owned both, the Carys after the McCormack. Both were nice with the McCormack being a touch more neutral with a bit better bass slam and definition and the Cary being a little warmer in the midrange, sweeter in the high frequencies, but a little looser and fuller in the bass and a touch noisy. The McCormack can have upgraded capacitors added by McCormack of Virginia, or can be upgraded by SMc Audio. I traded the Carys for Lamm M1.1s and those for Clayton amps.

I would like to hear a direct comparison between the newish McCormack DNA-750 monos and the new Cary SA500.1 monos, and also a comparison between those amps and their respective predecessors.
Mitch, agree would be instructive to hear a comparo btwn the DNA 750 and the new Cary SA500, and how they compare to their predecessors. I'd love to hear some comments around that scenario.
After many, many amps, I always come back to McCormack. He is in the game for the music not the $. His designs speak for themselves. Listen closely, you will hear the difference.