Krell FPB 350Mcx's enough for THIEL 7.2's + CS5i's

I am hoping THIEL owners have some feedback regarding matching Krell Amps with these specific speakers. I have both the 7.2's and the 5i's. The 7.2's are in my primary dedicated listening room, and the 5i's are in the theater. I'd like to buy Mono's, but I am only running across the 350's for sale. I have concerns that these are enough for the low loads presented by the THIEL's. I'd like to have an amp that can handle either speaker so that I can swap them periodically and enjoy the subtle differences. Pre-Amp = Krell KCT, Let me know what experience you have with these speakers and Krell amps.
Pops, we may disagree on this one, but comparatively speaking; what I posted is not untrue.
I'm aligned with Unsound on this; Krell and Thiels are an excellent match (KCT,400cx and CS6). This is my tenth year of owning this combo and it still sounds better and better as the years roll on by. But I listen to vinyl as often as digital and thoroughly enjoy both.
When I owned the Thiels I used Ayre V-1xe, Bryston 7Bsst, Parasound JC-1s. All well rated amps, until I bought the krells I really hadnt heard the Thiels at there best. (at least when compared to the other amps I owned)
I have heard the 3.7 sound wonderful with Hegel amps at RMAF a couple years ago too. If I used Thiels again they would be a second option after Krell.
@Steve - I have heard that the 400cx is a fantastic amp and highly rated. I am amazed that you have held onto the CS6's for so long and didn't make the jump to the 7.2's. Have you ever had the opportunity to listen to the 7.2's against the 6's?

@Tom - congrats on the YG's. Interesting move to all tubes. Was this to add a warmer sound? I have yet to experience a tube amp against the THIEL's. I need to find some one in my neighborhood who would be willing to demo.

I also had a Bryston running against the THIEL's and thought highly of the sound. The Krell's really are a step above, but the Bryston is a real bang for the buck and has a tremendous sound in a small package. As a matter of fact, I moved the Bryston over to manage the L + R channels in my home theater.