More power for better sound at low volumes?

Hello All,

I'm wondering if a more powerful amp will provide better sound at lower volumes, all other things being equal. For example, my Jeff Rowland Concerto is rated 250 into 8ohms and 500 into 4. A Bryston is rated 300 and 600. Does that mean I could get better low volume sound with the Bryston? If not, what is the secret to better low volume sound?

As usual, thanks in advance!
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I have built and modified many amps and pre amps and the biggest difference is in the power supply. This doesn't mean buy a power conditioner which will help if you actually have currupted power in your location but that will not correct a cheaply made power supply. This does make the most difference at low volummes because you are not far from the noise floor. Better capacitors,bypassing, and high speed soft stop or hexfred diodes make a huge difference and again because of lower levels the most bang for the buck is in the pre amp. Forget more power, maybe better lower power never forgetting the pre amp is first.
Mapman, I dont think high efficient speakers will always be better at low volume. I do maybe 75% of my listening at lower volume so I am very tuned into this with my upgrades. First thing I ask the dealers to do is turn down the volume and you usually hear the life drain out of the music. Many hours and many speakers lead me to think high efficiency helps low volume sound, but I am certain there will be exceptions.

I would tend to agree with your assessment.

Lower efficiency often goes in hand with deeper bass extension. The Fletcher-Munson Effect that ALmarg referenced comes into play at lower volumes still which negates that aspect of the design somewhat at lower volume, in lieu of specialized equalization at the lower volume.

Higher efficiency speakers as a whole will probably tend to do all the rest better in general since they will punt somewhat on the bass extension in favor of other things, but there are many exceptions, so it is very hard to generalize effectively.
I like the comment about power supplies. We've been using HEXFREDs for 17 years; getting rid of the noise floor is a big deal when you have to run the amp at lower power levels.

In amplifiers if there are published specs, look for the distortion to decline linearly towards zero without a dip and increase as power decreases. You will find that this rules about about 90% of existing amplifiers, but if you play the amp at low power a lot is well worth while; IMO that is true even if you don't.
I went from sim i5.3 (85) to kwi 200 (200)a side.Absolutly yes.Has all the bass definition and dynamics intact.Really had to strain to hear(plus im getting Old)with lower wattage amp.