Best tubed full-function preamp with remote

Until a few days ago I was a happy user of a McIntosh C220 mainly due to its switching capabilities and its unobtrusiveness (I am extremely sensitive to sibilance). Recently I bought an Audible Illusion Modulus 3B for my secondary system and it bettered my McIntosh significantly. More colours, more dynamics more life-like presentation and still no sibilance.

Because of use in a home theatre setting I need a remote (minimally with volume control). So what I now need is a full function (MC-able) tubed preamp with remote. Models that come to mind are ModWright LS100, Ear 868, Aethetix Janus, McIntosh 2300, Hovland 200 other?? I would prefer a one box design and 2nd hand price not more than 4200.00.- $.

Analog front end: VPI Super Scoutmaster with a Denon 103R; Digital front ends: OPPO 95 with Modwright tube modification and PC with JRIVER and Wyred-4-Sound Dac2. Speakers are Gallo Ref 3.5 driven by a Cayin 9021, V211 based SET amp plus a Gallo subamp.

Any opinions or options that I missed????
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The search is over...after much soul searching and considering my bank account I finally settled for a ModWright LS 100 with phono. I have already ordered sophia electric 6SN7 for the line stage and CIFTE 12AU7X for the phono. With my tube modded OPPO 83 (also ModWright) I run Amperex NOS 6SN7 tubes and it made a significant improvement over the stock Tung-Sols. It took the glare out of voices. Thanks to everybody for the valued input. Well the search is over for the time being at "best sound" seems to be a journey not a goal one ever reaches.
Great choice. I love my LS100. Make sure you change out the 5AR4/GZ34 rectifier also.
Dan recommends a Mullard 5AR4/GZ34 in place of the stock Sovtek. Sorry, I didn't mean that you should replace it with a completely different tube. However, Dan has mentioned to me that a 5U4G will also work and give a little more of a relaxed sound.

Here is a thread on tube rolling with the LS100:
I agree with onhwy61, wait and give it time. I also own a C-220 and its what it doesn't do that makes a good pre-amp great. You mention more colours with the 3B versus the Mac, I have to wonder if those colours are part of the recording or something the 3B is adding. If those colours are present in every recording you listen to then I suspect the amp is adding something. Even if it is and you really cant live without it then go with it. Listening taste is very much a personal thing.