Faceplates Silver or Black???????

What is your preference? Or, does it even matter?

The preferred 'faceplate color' pendulum sweeps back and forth over the years. Often, leaving us with a mixture of components.

Does anyone else take aesthetics into account when deciding on component selection?

Would you consider NOT purchasing the piece you know you want or know you should have, but couldn't pull the trigger because it didn't match your system?

Any other "sick puppies" out here?

Thoughts on where the trend is taking us now?
I once sold a perfectly fine working Butler amp for a slight loss because I *had* to have a black one to match the rest of my components. I am still glad I did.

And the Butlers are no longer available in black, making mine a collector's item - hah!!

For me silver-I like the look of the black faceplate but find the lettering difficult to read in low light. For components with few controls power amps and the like, black is great.
All my electronics are in black.
The two exceptions are a used PS Audio I bought used. Since it weighs 80lbs, and never did come in black, and I could go pick it up instead of shipping it ..I bought it.
And same thing for my Furman REF 20i conditioner, another 80lbs another used could go pick up
They both sit hidden behind stuff anyway..
So I am pretty dihard black faceplate junkie.
Silver (my preamp is silver as there was no other option) is easier to find if stumbling around in the dark, and absorbs less heat in direct sunlight when outside, which it never is. The rest of my stuff is black, because it's more slimming and makes me seem like a better person than I actually am, so there's that. Also, on an unrelated note, I just bought a new motorcycle that is black and silver and chrome. A win win win.
I can go with either color as long as it has a matte finish. I never liked the shiny stuff, except for knobs and buttons for that added contrast.
What would be better is a matte finish contrasted with a satin finish for the controls. I prefer subtle over flashy.

All the best,