Oppo BDP-95 as a pure two channel audio source?

Curious to know if anyone out there has purchased the Oppo BDP-95 soely on its merit as a dedicated two channel audio source? If so, how does it stack up comparatively speaking. Thanks
Harri 009,

Nice try with the smart ass comment about "uncared for disc/media. I take care of my media.I've got vinyl records probably older than you! I unfortunately have a disc in a box set that was scratched by me. The "uncared for media/disc" plays fine in other machines including my PC! I meant no disrespect to Ayre or Charles Hansen as I like the sound of his products.I was intoduced to them many years ago by Brooks Berdan.
I'm certain I've purchased literately hundreds of cds over the years and I can honestly recall on only one occasion, (for some inexplicable reason) that a disc has not played in any player I've owned, so the error correction issue for me is of no real concern. Statman you are absolutely correct, I have not tried the Oppo and I would agree that by virtue of that simple fact, I really don't know enough about what the Oppo has to offer to have a real opinion. However, the reason I may sound so incredulous is that based on what I keep reading, people are buying the Oppo for it's video prowess first, which make no mistake about it, is a very different approach to the overall design of a components sound. Home theatre products are built to effectively recreate sound effects, not a realistic music experience, a very different requirement indeed. Which is probably why so many Oppo owners find themselves seeking out modification options, I'm assuming all in an effort to improve it's audio capabilities.
Lets say your vinyl had a scratch across it and knocked your needle out with your best sounding cart. If it played with one that sounded pretty good, would you throw out your best cart and keep the one that sounded ok for the usability? I infact even stated that if interested oppo had a wonderful return policy that I myself even took advantage of. I believe that for the money the oppo is very good, but not as good as other options out there, even chaper cd only options. There are better players in the wild and I believe from the op's stated desires he is looking for a stereo player that is unrivaled. This does not fit the oppo, hence his decision to not play the upgrade game and simply try and decide on a player that may last him. To the op, if you are looking at esoteric I listened to a x-05 a few days ago. I took my Ayre with me to A/B, the esoteric was a lot more forward and slightly more dynamic than the Ayre. The Ayre did have a little more depth and sounded more natural, but neither player had more detail than the other and each sounded wonderful on their own. Good luck on your quest for stereo perfection!!
I bought my Oppo 105 as an upgrade from my 93 unit for the music side first and foremost, AND I AM EXTREMELY HAPPY WITH IT !!! For the money it was the best purchase yet that has brought my system together in a harmonious bliss. Sure a $5,000 unit might be a bit better, but how much and to whom is making the opinion is questionable. My ears allow me to make that decision and my new Oppo is a pleasure to listen to and there is no need for me to look any further.
Thanks Harri009 abreciate Esoteric/Ayre comparison detail and yes, you are correct in that I am looking for a player that is unrivaled or at least an obvious audible step up from my Bryston, which would be no small task as that is a very good unit. Again, I am "old school" in my approach to this hobby as I believe that video, (especially surround) and hi end audio are mutually exclusive. Two completely different experiences that I don't combine. Not interested in sub woofers or venturing into the computer arena. I believe that the cd format is still very viable. The source I'm looking for would need to first and foremost be able to be outstanding with red book, SACD capability would be a plus but not necessary. Very interesting that you have had experience with the Oppo and direct comparison between those units many consider to be the standard and find the Oppo to be very good for the money, (there's that disclaimer again) but there are based on your experience and ears, better and less expensive cd only options available. Good thread fellas, appreciate everyones two cents. Jay