Integrated amp: jumpers versus cables

Which is better? I have twice today seen recommendations for replacing jumpers with decent interconnect cables but have also seen reference to higher quality jumpers...
I have an NAD 320BEE amp with Dynaudio Contour 1.3 MkII speakers and would appreciate input on this.
I have had countless amps and receivers with the metals jumpers I have Audioquest (made by Audio Advisor) and Pure silver ones and have tried the true Audioquest ones. I have compared them all and they do sound different from ezch other and diifferent depending on unit. Notice I did not say better That is ones onwn call.
In my experience it will a difference, one I've always heard for the better. You should find a nice set for under $50. You could also make your own pair. Easy w/a little practice.
I do notice that the 3,000 NAD integrated amp also uses metal jumpers. I find that curious (I mean, if IC's sound better).
01-07-13: Kijanki
"... My brother has NAD that originally had factory jumpers made of "U" shape steel rods. Replacing them with short Audioquest jumpers (basically short IC) opened treble..."

AMEN Kijanki!!

I replaced the rummy factory metal jumpers in a NAD C370 integrated amp used in a prior "B" system, with two aternatives:
(i) inserted the Audioquest jumpers; and then
(ii) quality VDH 6 inch length ICs

Result: in both cases, a large progressive improvement ....(i) just by going to to the Audioquest cheapos; and then
(ii) a more subtle but appreciable further improvement when I upgraded to the VDHs (still have 'em kicking around in a drawer - guess it's time to sell them cuz I don'y use them anymore)

In any case, the factory stock metal jumpers are noticeably inferior.

In fairness, I also professionally modded/upgraded the stock power cord configuration to a quality female connector that permitted a use of quality external Power Cord instead of the crap hard-wired-in power cord that came with the unit. That also made a huge improvement.