Coincident Dragon MK I vs MK II

Has anybody heard both versions to compare how they sound? I'm interested in upgrading from my Pass Labs XA30.5 amp.
Hi Brownsfan,

Can't believe it's been 2 years...! I'm glad you made the move up to CSL, it's a move i've never look back. The Prometheus Signature is a good passive preamp at its price point because i heard bass layering, very detailed sound and airy, which makes it sound distinctly different from its lower price entry sibling which i also owned before getting this Signature version. I was attracted to passive preamp because it first introduced me to 'purity' and 'natural colour' of sound. The biggest difference Prometheus Signature compared to CSL, is the transparency and weight of sound. CSL is able to bring out clearly more subtle details (whereas with 'Signature', i need to pay close attention ) and bigger sound stage, imaging is more definitive or in position...almost see through, if you will. So, the CSL being an active preamp does have an advantage because it is well designed. Without comparison, it's hard to tell how good CSL is, as a preamp. But i wish it didn't have a shiny SS finish, and better still, if it comes with remote!!

I'm thrilled we cross path again!!

I couln't agree more. The Promethius is a champ at its price point but the CSL offers a lot more, as it should for 2x the price. But I have to say, I think the CSL is so good that it also is an outstanding value at its price point. Imaging with the CSL is just amazing.
I've also tried TJ Full Music 300B mesh plate on the Franks, if i remember correctly, it has better body and lower bass than EH300B. But i preferred Sophia Princess to TJ. To me, the finest is Black Treasure 300B.

Coincident launched new products today, stereo integrated amp with remote: Turbo 845SE and Dynamo 34SE. Anyone keen to try? Please post your review or experience...

I saw this launch of budget or entry level amps as an answer to the market demand or trend of today and near future of audiophile world...high end ultra expensive setup and big profit margins are the bygone days. The real world today is looking for bargain and value. Many thin margins are better one fat margin that may or may not come. Not to ignore the real competition from "Made in China" made possible by free trade, open market...and internet! Anyone with experience of good chinese amp or setup?
