Can You Get 1,000 WPC Out Of Regular Wall Socket?

I see the new Emotiva (100 lbs) and Boulder (450 lbs!!) 1,000 WPC monoblocs require a dedicated 20 amp circuit per monobloc.

I recently read where someone had his Krell 750mcx monobocs changed from 110 to 220 because he said they sounded better.

Well, the D-sonic digital amp weighs 20 pounds and is rated at 1500 WPC. Can an amp pull 1500 WPC from a regular household wall socket?
Just be sure to not touch the outputs of these monster output amps when they are doing their thing.... :^)
Another way to look at it: think about the power/energy that goes INTO making music, be it acoustic, electronic, symphonic, big band, rock, rap, jazz, whatever. Then it becomes clear why one might want a lot of it similarly to play back a recording, especially for certain types of music.
I own the notoriously inefficient Infinity Kappa 9 speakers. They are known for bringing amplifiers to their knees. They need to be biamped to be their best. It takes a lot of power to wake them up. I'm thinking of throwing one or two pairs of the D-Sonic 1500 wpc monoblocs at them.

I for one would be interested to hear how they fare compared to your big Pass amps with those speakers.

Have you ever tried any other Class D amps with those?
