Bandwidth Limitations Of Class D Amps??

Audiogon member Kijanki said :
Some people argue that class D, as good as it is for the money, cannot really compete with best traditional SS amp. I can see that, especially with still limited bandwidth...
What are the bandwidth limitations of class D amps, and is it audible?
Obviously there is a vested interset in a Class D amp and some are not open to what the best amp makers are saying.
The only ones that have bought out models of class D along side of their flagship linears amps are the ones who want to make money out of them. (It's called keeping the shareholders happy)because they are very cheap to produce compared to great linear designs.
It's too early yet to consider them in the hi end, like I have said I will be the first one to change over to them when the future technology for the switching frequency becomes much higher than it is at present, then they should be comparable or even beat a good linear designs.

Cheers George
Obviously there is a vested interset in a Class D amp and some are not open to what the best amp makers are saying

I don't think GC builds & sells class D amps in his spare time... really.
Just as an idea: listen to a couple. I did. I wasn't enthused by the sound. OTOH it wasn't really bad, just not as good as my amps (which also cost 11x more).
No I don't anyone here builds or sell class d amps either.
What I said and meant was
"there is a vested interset in a Class D amp"
Which means "A personal stake or involvement" in that amp.

Cheers george
Hmmm.... Excellent suggestion George... May be I should really invest in some leading creators of novel class D power conversion modules and amps. My ears tell me it would be a "sound" investment... Unfortunately my wife, source of all financial advice, and always to be heeded in such momentous matters, won't "hear" about it... She insists that only blue chips shall do.

Bottomline... I shall undoubtedly remain poor, but at least audiophilically happy.

I shall now leave you to your fascinating conjectures, whilst you pour over ancient tomes of obsolete lore and alchemic apparata.
"Which means "A personal stake or involvement" in that amp."

So by this logic, we can only discuss things we have no involvement with? That sounds like fun!

By this logic, nobody would discuss anything anywhere because they have a "personal stake". That would include George and his favorite amps as well.


My only personal stake in CLass D is I tried one, liked it and have not had any need to look further.

I look forward to buying even better ones possibly even for less down the road if needed as the technology continues to improve.

I have lots of years of experience and have heard a lot of gear at all price points and of many designs over the years. That is how I get my frame of reference for what sounds good or not. I also look at specs and bench measures and choose my poison.

ANyone who can read can determine for themselves if they think Class D is competitive in the high end already these days. I am willing to bet that as time goes on, more and more people will continue to chose to go that route and be very happy they did.