Loss of bass & full spectrum sound

Can anyone shed light on my audio system problem?
I have PSB Synchrony one,Musical Fidelity M6i + cd player & turntable along w/video
The sound is Full with deep bass then after an hour it reverts to a different unenjoyable presentation with no life..
This has been going on in my NYC apt for about a year
I have a great sound then it changes (white-washed).
I adjust speaker cables(AQ biwire comet)& occasionally it regains a full body sound however after about one hour it's gone.
All my components have been checked to function properly.
I suspect an electrical problem but voltage is steady 120
Any similar experiences?
For some reason if I reconnect speaker cables I regain the missing low bass output.
That’s why I ask about the bottom connections on your speakers. A problem there would result in a loss of bass, and it’s probably just one speaker. This could be the cables, or an internal connection at the speakers’ terminals. What type of connector are you using at the speaker, Spade or Banana?
I started with spades switched to banana's now am going direct wire.
I don't think that's the problem because I changed everything over the course of a year
Sill have the same result
I wake up in the morning,reconnect speaker cables after I pulled them out the night before.
The sound is full & deep
Over course of the day
Full sound is intermitten by end of day bass is long gone.
Did your speakers come with straps to connect the woofer and tweeter posts if you did not want to biwire? If they did just reinstall them,if not just use a small piece of wire and connect them together. Remember positive to positive and negative to negative. If that works that means something is wrong with your speaker cable or connection. Do you understand?If not get back to me and I will walk you through it.
Most newer audio gear should be able to handle wall juice fluctuations...I stuck some hospital grade plugs in the wall (I hope that hospital replaced 'em), use an old but reliable AC conditioner (Adcom ACE 515 that works perfectly so DON'T GIVE ME ANY CRAP), and the bias LEDS on my tube amp change often (I've checked this with a meter and the actual bias current fluctuation is tiny and irrelevant, but interesting). I conclude that the issue you're having is simply Karma, so try being nicer.