KT120 longevity

Has anyone replaced a set of KT120s yet? Just wondering how long these should last as I've been running 'em hard and often for a year and a half and they're still moving electrons properly.
Wolf, given your vast guitar amplification etc experiences, you should have a decent idea concerning tube life. Are you referring to the particular application of your Jolida amplifier? Or are you just bored and being indecent?
I'm all for that, btw
I've been using an octet of KT-120s for about the same length of time in a pair of Rogue M-180s. I use the amps for much of the day nearly every day. No issues so far. I previously blew 3 KT-90s (along with their fuses) in the same amps. This reminds me that I should probably order some backups, though.
Isochronism...I rarely changed guitar amp tubes. Unless something started sounding strange or blew up (VERY rare) I blasted through various Twin Reverbs, my white Bandmaster head, and whatever Boogie/Marshall/Hiwatt I had. Maybe because I couldn't SEE the tubes or something I just forgot about them. I assume some guitar players back then cared about such things like I do now, but there seemed to be 2 tube types: New ones and the old tubes you almost never replaced...now with my groovy "boutique" little tube guitar amps I get the urge to roll tubes in them out of curiosity, like an idiot. I think I was better off not giving a crap.