Today's New York Times

wow ... very interesting !
I just think it's pretty cool that the NY Times devoted so much space to an article about our hobby. Yeah,..... a $450 Music Hall table may not be your idea of "high end," but at least millions of the newspaper's readers now know that high end audio exists. As I see it, anything in the main stream media that talks about our hobby in a positive fashion is a good thing !
What goes around, comes around. I think most kids see iTunes and other sites as nothing more than a way to store music just for the sake of storing. This all came about as a result of file sharing and illegal downloads and with what one could get away with. A natural progression, if you will.

Once the trend was recognized and then legitimized, and then co-oped by industry, it was inevitable. Now, we have the come around, the recognition by some that there is better sound out there.

Hopefully, articles like this will help spark some more interest and this new generation will take notice and maybe seek some of us out for advice, or at least, a listen. :-)

All the best,
The 'audiophhile' guy in the article that has the three sets of Bang & Olufson speakers had better hope he never finds out about Audiogon. That will certainly be his ruin, it sure was mine.
The Times article is typical lightweight fluff designed to fill some pages with a "general interest" level of fashion news. Again, the "high end" dealers and manufacturers have absolutely no idea how to get young people or ANY people interested in this hobby beyond "preaching to the choir."
Wolf, very well put. I will ad that those with a true interest will find it on there own.