Best redbook cd-only player ?

I have a substantial collection of redbook cd's. I don't foresee adding SACD's, nor am I interested in servers or USB connectivity. But I do need to replace my 17-year-old two-box combo.

Is anyone else stuck in the past also (smile) who can suggest a high-resolution, musical cd-only player ? It's hard to justify paying thousands more for functionality I won't ever use.


I was thinking the Audio Note 5th element but that exceeds your budget by about $240,000.00. I would agree to the Naim 555. I have listened to this in Naim and non Naim set ups and it was very nice.
I too only do redbook and to my ears the Meridian 808.3 is perfect, not bright, not dull, never fatiguing, and makes most harsh sounding discs sound good.
John - The Audio Research Ref CD8 is very, very good for its price point. And now that the CD9 is out, used/demo CD8's should be available at a significant savings. And even though your budget is generous, you might want to give the new tubed Line Magnetic CDP a listen/try. Astonishingly good, and only $1500.