Best redbook cd-only player ?

I have a substantial collection of redbook cd's. I don't foresee adding SACD's, nor am I interested in servers or USB connectivity. But I do need to replace my 17-year-old two-box combo.

Is anyone else stuck in the past also (smile) who can suggest a high-resolution, musical cd-only player ? It's hard to justify paying thousands more for functionality I won't ever use.


The rest of my system: Shindo tubed pre and VAC Phi 300 amp. So a tubed DAC might be too much of a good thing.
There are many excellent choices listed above. The Ayre C-5xe CD player is another excellent choice priced at $6,000. I own the Ayre CX-7eMP CD player priced at $3,500 and it is very good. The Luxman cd players, D-05, D-06 and the D-08 might be more players to look at. Buying a CD player is not an easy process and I am hoping you have a chance to listen before you buy any of the above.
I see ads on Agon all the time for for Ayon Audio, an Austrian high end manufacturer. Their CD players are tube players and supposedly come close to vinyl?? The 2s and 5s models range (street price) $4k - $7k. ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT AYON??

Good question; I wish someone had some info.