Sony Xa5400 ES vs Cary CD 500 demo

Close enough in price to consider either.
Match with Cary SLI-80 F1 and Merlin VSM speakers.
Both well reviewed for their classes.
Does the Cary really exceed the Sony?
It had been written up as the best solid state up to $5-6000.
Sunnyjim, I owned the Cambridge and replaced it with the Sony 5400. The sony was much better in my system on RB, and of course also has the ability to play SACD. After owning the Sony for a year I had the ModWright mods done. The modded Sony is just wonderful.
To Brownfan: Thank you for the info. I don't want to co-opt this members thread. So let me quickly ask, how much were the Modwright upgrades, and how much did they improve the sound. A member is selling a brand new sony 5400ES,but at a premium( not used) price and like any component to be modded you got to buy it as cheaply as possible to compensate for the (often high)expense of the upgrades.
I have both CDPs now.the 5400 is smoother and has a 5 yr wrrty. My CA had issues at 3.5 yes and cost me rd trtip shipping fr HI to LA and repairs. I got the Sony as backup an d like it just as much. Seems more musical maybe slightly less bright.
I owned the cary cd-500!, not to seem negative here, just honest!, That was the worst player in my life time I ever owned, I am thankful I was able to sell it!