Sony Xa5400 ES vs Cary CD 500 demo

Close enough in price to consider either.
Match with Cary SLI-80 F1 and Merlin VSM speakers.
Both well reviewed for their classes.
Does the Cary really exceed the Sony?
It had been written up as the best solid state up to $5-6000.
To Brownfan: Thank you for the info. I don't want to co-opt this members thread. So let me quickly ask, how much were the Modwright upgrades, and how much did they improve the sound. A member is selling a brand new sony 5400ES,but at a premium( not used) price and like any component to be modded you got to buy it as cheaply as possible to compensate for the (often high)expense of the upgrades.
I have both CDPs now.the 5400 is smoother and has a 5 yr wrrty. My CA had issues at 3.5 yes and cost me rd trtip shipping fr HI to LA and repairs. I got the Sony as backup an d like it just as much. Seems more musical maybe slightly less bright.
I owned the cary cd-500!, not to seem negative here, just honest!, That was the worst player in my life time I ever owned, I am thankful I was able to sell it!