I need help and phonostage suggestions

To my fellow Audiogon members:
I need some help. I need some members to give me some suggestions on possible phonostages to consider auditioning or purchasing. I am selling an Acurus P-10 (and I have no idea why other than the "change things bug" got me)and I have no idea what to get. I am running a Linn LP-12 with a Benz Ace (medium) cartridge. The Linn has an Ittok arm. Amplification is a pair of Lumley Signature tubed monos (150WPC/4 ohms)and the preamp is a C-J Premier 16. Speakers are Peachtree D5 (great little speakers!)and cables/wire is AP Solo Crystal or some Morrow cables as well.
So, what say you all? Budget is about $1500 or so but I will stretch up some.
Thank you. Also, I am not fussy - tubes or solid state phonos are fine.

You must be looking at the PBN Audio Website which like all other manufactures websites do not have pricing on it. This is because pricing is different in the many countries we sell to, however, access to the websites are universal. Our international distributors have to cover freight cost import duties etc that our domestic dealers do not. Therefore our product is more expensive overseas and it is hard for our international customers to comprehend/accept this. Pricing on the products are displayed on our dealers and distributors website.

Now to answer you question directly, all our direct to the consumer product sales are from our Liberty Audio Division which have a different product lineup and pricing structure allowing for the very favorable pricing.

Liberty Audio

Hope this clarifies your concerns - pricing is right on the front page $1749 along with information how to place your order etc.

Stevecham I got your message Ill ship one out to you this week let us all know how it works for you.

Good Listening

Again addressing Pbnaudio , the website I am addressing is Pbnaudio which I would assume to be your site , as the item you are using as advertising is from 2011 and an item reviewed not a commercialy paid for add, sincerly David , and did I not see a new audiogoner jumped on because he said I.d like to buy a Pioneer *** model in these very pages, oh yes I did, but I still wish you luck David.
Zkidd, I have noticed the good feedback on you question has stopped flowing in , my appoligies if my coments have effected this. My intensions were not to harm you, but to promote more unbiased reccomendations for you and others, again I am terriably sorry for my rudeness David.