I need help and phonostage suggestions

To my fellow Audiogon members:
I need some help. I need some members to give me some suggestions on possible phonostages to consider auditioning or purchasing. I am selling an Acurus P-10 (and I have no idea why other than the "change things bug" got me)and I have no idea what to get. I am running a Linn LP-12 with a Benz Ace (medium) cartridge. The Linn has an Ittok arm. Amplification is a pair of Lumley Signature tubed monos (150WPC/4 ohms)and the preamp is a C-J Premier 16. Speakers are Peachtree D5 (great little speakers!)and cables/wire is AP Solo Crystal or some Morrow cables as well.
So, what say you all? Budget is about $1500 or so but I will stretch up some.
Thank you. Also, I am not fussy - tubes or solid state phonos are fine.
Again addressing Pbnaudio , the website I am addressing is Pbnaudio which I would assume to be your site , as the item you are using as advertising is from 2011 and an item reviewed not a commercialy paid for add, sincerly David , and did I not see a new audiogoner jumped on because he said I.d like to buy a Pioneer *** model in these very pages, oh yes I did, but I still wish you luck David.
Zkidd, I have noticed the good feedback on you question has stopped flowing in , my appoligies if my coments have effected this. My intensions were not to harm you, but to promote more unbiased reccomendations for you and others, again I am terriably sorry for my rudeness David.