Herron VTPH-1 vs Allnic H1201

I've been using the Herron for about 3 months and while I think it's a great unit, I feel like I'm missing something in the tonality/timbre of the insturments. Are there any former/current Herron users that have purchased or heard the H1201? I've heard the more expensive Allnic and was blown away but it too much $$.
I heard the VTPH-2 compared with an ARC reference can't remember the exact number. But the Herron was very competitive with that unit. So IMO you would need to spend a fair amount of money to better the VTPH-2 but that's my opinion and why I purchased the Herron. And it might be something else in your system that is lacking as I have found the Herron to be very true to the source.
After auditioning a few units around the price range of the Herron VTPH-2, I chose the VTPH-2. It has the black background and dynamics of the Parasound JC-3, the finesse and beautiful midrange of the Fosgate Signature and the flexibility, bass and clarity of the Zesto Andros.

For me in my system, in comparison to the Herron VTPH-2 the JC-3 was a touch too dry, the Fosgate a little noisy and lacking dynamics and the Andros a little too polite.

Bonus is that Keith Herron is a great guy and a pleasure to deal with.
I have not heard the allnic but own the VTPh-2. It is a phenomenol phono stage that gets everything right. My last phono stage for sure--how often do you hear that--I have had mine for going on three years now and never think of upgrading.
I had the VTPH-2 in my system for about 2 yrs before I decided to audition/keep the Zesto Andros. It was a toss up, really - both had particular aspects of the presentation that were favorable to the other, IMHO. Indeed, Keith is just one of the great ones in the audio world!