Rush fans on the board ??

Hey, are there any Rush fans here, if so what is your favorite album.
I would have a tought time with three of them...

Fly by Night was the first Rush album I ever heard, and it is great, but I also love
Hemispheres and the self titled Rush.

If I was pushed to rate them, Fly By Night would get my first vote, for me, Movng
pictures was their first lame album, and everything after was less interesting to
Having said that my favourite album is "Farewell to Kings" I think my favourite single track would be "Spirit of Radio". A totally infectious rhythm with fantastic lyrics.
yeah, i agree anything before signals, i just started breaking out some of my old rush albums, i had forgotten how powerful that music is, permanent waves is one of my favorites, but i think all time fave is Hemispheres, with Moving Pictures a close second. But i like them all for differents reasons. this is an awesome thread, thanks for posting. btw, i just bought the live dvd, rush in rio, it is freaking ammazing, almost like being at a rush concert.
I loved this band. I first heard them when someones mom sent one of my summer camp bunkmates 2112 on eight track. I saw them the first time at the Palladium in New York City on the Permanent Waves tour. I had a painted Rush denim jacket in my teens, it was the Hemispheres album cover. Sadly, I gave it to my girlfriend at her sweet 16 party. I never saw her or the jacket again. Anyway...

It is obvious that the greatest Rush album is Farwell to Kings. There is no other choice. Although it had a number of commercial hits I would put Moving Pictures second on my list. Third would be Hemispheres.

My favorite Rush single is Subdivisions. Not there best song by a long shot, but it brings such memories to me that it stands out.

I recently saw Rush at Madison Square Garden and I saw all the other Rush freaks from High School, but they looked so old. I think that the youngest person there was collecting Social Security. They were very good, but a little too polished.