Rush fans on the board ??

Hey, are there any Rush fans here, if so what is your favorite album.
Having said that my favourite album is "Farewell to Kings" I think my favourite single track would be "Spirit of Radio". A totally infectious rhythm with fantastic lyrics.
yeah, i agree anything before signals, i just started breaking out some of my old rush albums, i had forgotten how powerful that music is, permanent waves is one of my favorites, but i think all time fave is Hemispheres, with Moving Pictures a close second. But i like them all for differents reasons. this is an awesome thread, thanks for posting. btw, i just bought the live dvd, rush in rio, it is freaking ammazing, almost like being at a rush concert.
I loved this band. I first heard them when someones mom sent one of my summer camp bunkmates 2112 on eight track. I saw them the first time at the Palladium in New York City on the Permanent Waves tour. I had a painted Rush denim jacket in my teens, it was the Hemispheres album cover. Sadly, I gave it to my girlfriend at her sweet 16 party. I never saw her or the jacket again. Anyway...

It is obvious that the greatest Rush album is Farwell to Kings. There is no other choice. Although it had a number of commercial hits I would put Moving Pictures second on my list. Third would be Hemispheres.

My favorite Rush single is Subdivisions. Not there best song by a long shot, but it brings such memories to me that it stands out.

I recently saw Rush at Madison Square Garden and I saw all the other Rush freaks from High School, but they looked so old. I think that the youngest person there was collecting Social Security. They were very good, but a little too polished.