How's your music library?

When looking through the systems on A-gon, people's music libraries are frequently missing, not shown, or possibly not in the same room. After all the $$$ spent on one's system, I'd like to know what's behind all of this. After all, it is the entire raison d'ĂȘtre for audiomania.

I had a collection of about 200+ LPs that I've recently sold or given away; finally able to emotional divorce myself from the vinyl I started acquiring as a teenager. I began building my CD collection about 15-16 years ago. It's now 636 titles and nearly 700 discs. It spans the globe and periods from the Renaissance though 20th century, BeBop to Acid Jazz, Afro Celt to Zap Mama, and a fair dose of Rock & Pop. Recently, the fastest growing genre has been 20th century music which has surpassed earlier "classical" music but still trailing the Jazz and World sections. A modest collection certainly, and compared to a friend who has a library (unfortunately uncatalogued) of well over 2000 titles, quite modest. He's gotta music library! I suspect there are quite a few other impressive libraries out there. Please tell us.

How's in your music library?
You can always do like John Cusack in High Fidelity and organize them "autobiographically."

My collection of 1500+ CDs is digitized and pretty well tagged. I can click on a button and organize 'em by title, by artist, by genre. ;)
Mine is quite little compared to most people here on audiogon. I have about 115 cd's and 50 lp's which includes every style from Jazz , Contemporary Classical, Rock, Electronic , Blues , to Avant-Garde etc... I've been starting to build a music collection about 4-5 years ago (i'm now 22years old.) Most of my spending went into building my system which I consider an excellent starter audio system. Now I can concentrate on building up my music collection , there are endless titles that I would like to get my hands on and such little time!
Like some of you, ever since I went the PC/Server route, it has been pure bliss organizing my CD collection using MediaMonkey. Unfortunately my digitised collection (1000+) is only properly cataloqued.....:-(
BTW, slightly off topic but another thing which I find useful with the SB3/Server is if I set it to randomly select from the collection I begin to rediscover music that has been neglected over the years :-)
10,000 + LPs and about 1,200 CDs 650 DVDs
LPs and Cds divided into three separate groups: by Classical&Opera, then Jazz&newage&blues, then Rock&pop.
Classical by composer A-Z, then each composer by solo, to small group to large, vocals last. If I have a bunch of Beethoven 5th, (for example) conductor name a-z order for the group, etc.
Jazz by primary artist alpha then within artist BY DATE RECORDED. Date give a better way of finding my way. I put the date on the edge of the LP, and CD.
Rock and pop same as Jazz, except if always a group, by that name, then also chronologically.
Very few artists cross these basic three groups.
For example:
Kiri Te Kinawa: opera and pop... (Lucky for me I do not own her pop music.)
Frank Sinatra could be with Jazz, but I definitely stick him in pop.
Bela Fleck, Jazz and bluegrass..Hmm I keep "Drive" with rock, the rest with Jazz.
I hate Classical collections.. and unless one item is outstanding to file it with that, I usually do not keep silly collections that are on one LP. Some Mercury 90000 label items or RCA 'shaded dog" stuff like this is all I will keep around. (Leroy Anderson, Boston Pops..)
Though I DO have a large bunch of Jazz various artist collections.. which are superb.
The Jazz LPs 2,500 are in the kitchen, the rock and pop 3,000 in the bedroom, and the classical LPs 6,000 in the living room... to distribute the 6,000 lbs of Lps carefully around the apt walls!