Anybody play any musical instruments...........

....apart from just listening to our favourite artists/musicians on our beloved audio systems? Be it piano, violin, voila, trumpet, saxophone, cello, trombone, electric guitars, acoustic string guitars, drums etc.

My early piano lessons didn't go to waste as I eventually found out that I have a passion for music later on as with most of us here. Some of my buddies who have completed Grade 8 pianoforte years ago have not touched the piano for more than 10 years now and may have forgotten where the C or D note lies on the keyboard(can you believe that). I am fortunate to be able to carry on as much as I spend my time on my hifi rig, as for now.

I occasionally enjoy playing contemporary pieces from David Benoit and Richard Clayderman with a few classical works by Mozart thrown in on my Kawai US50 upright for leisure. "Dad's Room" and "Kei's Song" by David Benoit are some of my favourite pieces.

Any musicians or self-taught musicians here who would care to share what type of instruments you play, and whose works you enjoy playing the most?
I have fun with a nice Telecaster/Pod/Marshall(r)Fender Super Twin(l) stereo setup. I have a sub with it too and have a cheap bass and a Fender Rhodes. I can't read so I just figure out songs and improvise. It's integrated with a PC so I can record samples and then put songs together with SF Acid. Also I can play a rhytmn track and jam to it. I also have a lot of hand drums-Djembe,Doumbek,Udu and others and thumb piano.

I attempt to play my Strat.. LOL.. I love music so much that is fun to attempt to actually play it. LOL.. Anyway, still taking lessons and still attempting to play to the guitar.

What did Bono say: "3 Chords and the truth"

I am getting there

I play soprano and alto sax, clarinet, various brass instruments (tuba, baritone, etc). In my childhood I used to play piano and sing in a choir. My grandpa played most instruments I can imagine plus was a conductor of the orchestra and choir. Same with my dad and sister and rest of my family is all into some kind of a musical instrument. While having broad taste in listening habits I prefer listening recordings of acoustic music where electric powered instruments are rare or not present.

Following advice of one audiogoner, I recorded myself playing sax and played it on different speakers. I bought the speakers that reproduced my sound closer to my original sound. Of course when I played rest of my CD's I really liked what I heard, but at least I know that there is not much coloration. I think that those who really appreciate reproduction of the sound as close to the original as possible can utilize their talents while shopping for gear.
Just graduated from conservatory with a degree in Clarinet Performance. Anyone have any gigs in Washington, DC???

Actually, I'm looking for people to play with, and Audiogon is probably as good a place to look as any!

My favorite music for clarinet has always been Brahms. The sonatas, quintet, and trio are all very special. The Poulenc sonata is also a great one.

There's a new clarinet quintet by Osvaldo Golijov called The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind. Great recording by Krakauer and the Kronos Quartet. Worth checking out if you're a klezmer fan (or a Golijoz fan).